
Never an Ever After is back! <333


Hello~ it's been a while. I'm inactive because of school and of not being able to produce creative stuff lately. 
          My time off gave me space to ponder on what's missing in my works and I finally found the answer to it. It's the story build up and how my characters were created. It seemed like there are no clear distinction with their (my characters) behavior, words, and overall personality.
          With this realization, I figured that it might be best to put Never Series under major revision since I might also have to alter or even revise the whole plot of the series to give it a more consistent and direct appeal to you guys.
          There's no exact date yet of when will I unpublish the stories, but I will make sure to give you a heads up. 
          That is all. Thank you for taking your time to read this note. And I'm sorry if this upset you in any way :< I'll come back with a better Never Series!^^
          Take care always! ♡


@solauary thank you, my loooovvveee <3333


@sereinerys take your time, love!! no pressure <333