
my prayers go to anybody being hurt terrorized or murdered okay peace and blessings


@-urbxsic wow, i had to look back a lot to properly spell your user. i'm not trying to cover anything, not even for tiana.  you're saying that i think plagiarism is okay. no, it's not. but tiana wasn't copying duplicity word for word. if you'd actually take time out of your day (you probably wont, but i'm just putting this in) you'll see that not everything is revolved around each other's ideas.


@heaventide actually i did, i saw only the first chapter and it was the same just another words
            so you can't say it isn't plagiarism


@-daddyharry "you're dumb"? seriously? that's all? wow, i expected more heat from the oven. and also i'm best at watching how i met your mother, not plagiarizing which is what nobody in this fight has done. not tiana, not lilotics, not you, not me. i'm not accusing plagiarism, i'm trying to compare that and ideas.


@-urbxsic you're not alone, but it's okay


I actually can say what I'd like because it was my page and that's how I am, but you wouldn't know because you don't know me.


@kvrtcobain well, im sorry if i hurted you but she called names to my friend too so i can't stay calm when that happens




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oh, and also i forgot to say something yesterday. plagiarism is not taking ideas or getting inspiration. plagiarism is taking  word for fucking word. i was talking to tiana yesterday and we compared the two stories. duplicity has longer paragraphs and has capitalization. deception, on the other hand, has shorter paragraphs and low caps. it's like an essay for school, perhaps. the teacher tells you to write an essay based on a topic. all the essays are different, but have the same idea. it's like you're accusing her of copying an idea for an essay but really, they're very different. so if you want to accuse tiana even more, then go ahead, sweetie. it's not the end of the world if two people have the same idea. there's so many stories with similar topics, but they're all different and i still read and enjoy them (not that i'm reading duplicity for pleasure, i just read it to compare things). oh, and if i wanna touch the oven, i will, no matter how much the heat burns.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
don't call me sweetie. i'm a naturally rude and bitter person. i'm not going to mind my business if it comes to one of my best friends. she creates wonderful ideas. and i can call whoever the fuck i want a bitch. i'll also try you if you're charging my friend with something. now leave my page and don't comment back. good day and kindly fuck off.