
▋ ▎ ⠀⠀cb  +  spec,  getting  to  replies  soon


and are you worried?


@heavenstrongest  [golden irises that shone brightly underneath the shadow that was casted by her sombrero, a smile settling on la muerte’s lips as she glides across the room. standing in front of the archangel,]    you aren’t really leaving them.  they’ll know you’re there.  every memory,  every whisper      ..    [the personification of death is kind, and while the thought of fading from the living was cold she brings a certain warmth to it all. candles on her hat and the end of his dress shining brightly,]    i doubt your time will be ending anytime soon. if that resssures you by any means.


of  dyin’ .ᐣ   [  mikael  lets  out  a  low,  contemplative  whistle,  hands  folded  behind  his  head;  his  eyes  fall  shut  as  he  mulls  it  over.  while  his  angelic  nature  made  him  immortal,  he  could  still  very  well  be  killed.  it  would  just  take  a  lot  more  effort,  and  a  certain  type  of  weapon.  ]   sometimes,  yeah.  i  worry  a  lot  about  the  people  i’d  leave  behind.  ‘s  not  a  thought  i  have  often,  but  when  it’s  there,  it  hits  hard.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @deadrance 


▋ ▎ ⠀⠀cb  +  specify!  also,  i  wanna  get  back  into  writing  longer  things,  so  feel  free  to  ask  if  you  want  a  more  detailed  starter  :3


@Iovesalter     ▋ ▎ ⠀⠀as  many  as  u  want  >:]]


ꔷ ꔷ ꔷ    ⟢  How many lines can I ask of u…


/    slaps u! Smth intrigued 


You are following me!


oy,  ‘m  not  even  t͟h͟a͟t  old  ⸻  still  in  my  prime,  thankyouverymuch!   [  heaven’s  strongest  scoffs  indignantly  at  the  young  belmont’s  boldfaced  brusqueness;  he  seems  far  more  offended  at  the  notion  of  being  called  an  old  geezer  than  a  pervert,  nevermind  the  fact  that  trevor  would  be  half-right  on  both  fronts.  in  spite  of  his  presence  clearly  being  unwanted,  mikael  follows  suit  behind  the  human  as  he  trudges  on  the  winding  forest  path,  absentmindedly  stretching  his  arms  taut  over  his  head.  now,  mikael  c͟o͟u͟l͟d  quit  beating  around  the  bush  and  tell  belmont  exactly  why  he’s  been  trailing  him  so  incessantly,  like  some  kind  of  annoying,  wisecracking  shadow  ⸻  but  out  of  his  newfound  amusement  and  a  little  bit  of  spite,  the  archangel  ultimately  decides  aga͟i͟n͟s͟t  it.  he  could  certainly  stand  to  stick  around  and  grate  on  trevor’s  patience  a  teensy  bit  longer;  after  all,  he’s  got  the  time  to  kill   ⁽ ᵃⁿᵈ  ᵃⁿ  ᵒˡᵈ  ᵖʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉ  ᵗᵒ  ᵏᵉᵉᵖ· ⁾   there’s  a  brief  bout  of  silence,  filled  only  by  the  sound  of  grass  crunching  under  sandal  and  boot;  the  archangel  can’t  help  but  take  note  of  the  subtle  heaviness  on  the  young  man’s  shoulders,  no  doubt  a  sign  of  a  burden  he’s  carried  for  as  long  as  he’s  known.  mikael  sees  that  heaviness  in  himself  too,  whenever  he  looks  in  the  mirror.  so,  he  graces  trevor  belmont  with  an  answer  to  at  least  one  of  his  questions:  ]    it’s  mikael,  by  the  way,  my  name.  there’s  a  little  town  not  far  from  here  ⸻  dinner’s  on  me,  as  an  apology  for  leavin’  ya  to  fend  for  y’self.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @ALLREIGNS 


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⧼  ﹙₀₁﹚  ⇽   ❝    YOU’RE EVEN WORSE THAN ME   […]  Y’FUCKIN’ OLD ASS BASTARD━━  WHAT HAPPENED TO PEOPLE SAYING HELLO LIKE A NORMAL PERSON?     INSTEAD YOU’RE FOLLOWING ME AND I DON’T HAVE YOUR NAME.    YOU’RE A PERVERTED OLD FUCK,  ‘S THAT WHAT IT IS?    […]      I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT SO—SO IS IN YOUR BOOK.   ❜❜     trevor has more bark than bite,  he’s exhausted.    he still glares at the man in the straw hat,   allowing the apple core to fall.    a booted foot smushes the trash.       really, he should be more careful     […]     but he isn’t,  plus he doesn’t really care   (that much)    so he continues down the path.   allowing  the stranger to follow him.      now,  trevor wouldn’t directly lead him to the trio.   but some old,  ran down inn would do.      the belmont trudges onwards through the woods,  slightly more concerned on whether or not he’d be able to get a good drink and some food around here.   the least of his concerns,  but his stomach had plans for him.     trevor does have questions,   however.     where the odd man comes from,   what name does he go by,  amongst other things.    he’ll humor him when he’s not so pissy.


[  amber  eyes  peer  down  upon  the  young  vampire  hunter  from  under  the  rim  of  a  tattered  straw  hat;  mikael  can  hardly  mask  the  lopsided,  mildly  amused  grin  taking  over  his  lips  at  the  young  belmont’s  audible  chagrin.  this  one’s  got  quite  the  mouth  on  him,  a  far  cry  from  the  decorum  and  tact  which  the  others  of  his  clan  bore  in  the  distant  past.  still,  heaven’s  strongest  takes  the  hollow  threat  in  stride,  casually  flicking  the  finished  apple  core  smack  dab  between  the  already—agitated  human’s  eyes.  ]   wanted  t’see  what  you  were  made  of  on  your  own.  pretty  so—so  for  a  belmont,  but  you’ll  do,  i  s’pose.  [  at  the  increasing  look  of  vexation  on  the  other’s  face,  he  suppresses  the  urge  to  laugh.  lord,  it’s  almost  like  teasing  a  petulant  child.  ]   oh,  come  off  it,  lad   ⸻   you’re  still  breathin’,  ain’cha?  keep  glarin’  at  me  like  that,  your  eyes  just  might  stay  stuck  that  way.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @ALLREIGNS 


▋ ▎ ⠀⠀cb  +  specify!  :]




/ adn on ilokind.. 


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fuck!!- don't fuckin sneak up on people like that, man, what the hell.


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( there is hesitance, briefly, his heart racing in his chest like a caged animal. he's trembling as he nods. ) i'm fine. fuck. don't do that again. 


sorry,  sorry⸻  ain’t  mean  t’give  ya  such  a  fright.   (  ...  )   seriously,  ya  good  there,  kid .ᐣ  ya  seem  kinda  jumpy.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @ALLRGNS 


that's a lovely sword . . you think i can hold it ?


. . im not sure , but i mustve done something terrible to be punished like this . . oh - you may show me , yes .


well,  uh⸻  she  c͟a͟n  kill  most  things.  but  if  your  immortality’s  a  punishment  from  the  big  guy  upstairs,  ‘fraid  ya  ain’t  in  luck.  if  it’s  any  consolation,  though,  i  could  show  ya  how  she  lights  up.  i’d  say  ‘s  pretty  cool.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @-sacrifiicial-


mm . .i wonder if she could kill me . . but , i'd hate to bloody her . .


what are you doing ?


well,  the  unholy  kind,  t’put  it  nicely.  [  the  archangel’s  hand  comes  to  idly  scratch  at  crimson  stubble;  he  wonders  how  else  to  explain  why  he  carries  his  blade  without  giving  much  away.  ]   ya  could  say  i’m  both  a  traveler  and  a  hunter,  of  sorts.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @savagepiety


ID.  @heavenstrongest 
            sanctus .  *  the sister resisted the urge to touch the blade ,  lips pursed .  *  'saint' .  a latin title .  what sort of enemies require such a sword of holy name ?  it is as if one wears the cloak of our virgin mother .


not  myself.   [  a  knowing  smile,  as  he  slides  the  blade  back  into  his  sheath.  ]   i  mostly  wield  sanctus  to  defend  others.  still,  i’ve  got  my  own  fair  share  of  enemies;  good  thing  i  usually  get  by  jus’  fine  without  havin’  to  draw  her  out  on  ‘em.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @savagepiety 


⠀⠀hi,   mister.   uhm.   have   you   seen   a   girl   ⸻   a   bit   taller   than   me,   dark   hair,   usually   carries   a   journal   with   her   ⸻   that   kind   of   girl .ᐣ


ah⸻  that  so.ᐣ  well,  what  a  thoughtful  friend  ya  are,  then.  hope  ya  find  her  well.   [  something  in  the  man’s  expression  softens,  if  only  a  little,  though  he  doesn’t  realise  it  himself.  he’s  been  there  before.  ]   ...  been  ages  since  i’ve  seen  mine.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @captrabbit 


@heavenstrongest, ⠀⠀⠀ best   friend,   yeah.   i   haven't   seen   her   lately.   and   i'm   just,   you   know,   just   …   wanna   check   up   on   her.


mm⸻no,  i’on  think  so.  sorry,  darlin’.  she  a  mate  of  yours .ᐣ
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ꒰ঌ    @captrabbit 