
new profile pic, header & username!!
          	for anyone confused, i waded to be ccsmickenobi :) 


Hey @ccsmickenobi how are you I have a quick question regarding your book charms. On the cover it says that it will be written to the point of the order of the Phoenix. So I was wondering when you finish that will there be a sequel 


@ccsmickenobi okay thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to reading more 


            so my plan is to review and rewrite charms (most likely before it’s finished because i think rewriting it will inspire me to carry on) and then to do a sequel that goes all the way to the deathly hallows! 


i want everyone to know that my second term of final year uni is already kicking my ass. had a mini breakdown the other night to my flatmate & literally hate my new half module for english. am behind on everything. am suffering in style at least 


is it weird that as i'm re-reading my fics i'm tempted to leave little nuggets of background/my thought process in the comments for people who read comments as they read chapters? is that weird? should i do it?


@Br3adb0tter okay good! i've done so little writing recently that i've forgotten what normal feels like tbh


It isn’t weird at all!!


i'm sat in the living room with my flatmate and i'm supposed to be writing my essay but i'm so so incredibly tempted to just open up my writing tabs instead... i really shouldn't but i haven't been inspired in so long and so it's a battle i will probably end up losing lmao