
@DoveReign @pizza16 I've read that book a few months ago and I have to admit it didn't really leave a big impression on me, but overall I did love it. It's really good written and that's one of the reasons I loved it...Thank you for writing me here, it means that people do read my recommendations and I'm just so very glad. Because there are seriously some amazing writers on here with amazing books and unique characters and plots. (I will add F.A.I.T.H. to my list when I'll be online for some time, but right now I'm busy with school). Again thank you for writing me here :) if you have some more book to recommend just message me or write me here again.


Hey I've been reading all of your story recommendations and been loving them and so I read your first chapter of your story and it's good I like it. You honestly can't even tell English isn't your first language. I think it would be great if you keep going with your story because you can already tell it has great potential


@gebbs1 I'm so glad you liked them all :) ...really? thank you so much for reading the first chapter, it means so much to me :)


Hi, Crystal. I'm so glad and happy to hear from someone who has read my favorites books I deeply recommend...I have to admit that I've read all those you recommend to me besides Darkest Fears(which I will read definitely). (I just didn't put them on the list yet because I'm really busy with school, but I'll some time to add them) thank you for this message :)