
I have another account now. However if you try to message me privately on that account, I will not be able to respond because my email isn’t verified. For some reason. But I will write stories! Um, actually, I might. Username: @DfnderOfJustice_Wife


Hey guys. Sorry about this, but I won't be on Wattpad for a long time, because my phone deleted Wattpad... And my laptop stopped working. I'm writing this on my friend's phone, but I have to delete W attpad from her phone anyways. Sorry. Bye. Once I get a new laptop, I'll come back. My phone is not allowing me to install Wattpad for some reason.


Thanks for reading Fix You!!


Thank you so much! It means so much to me!!!


@aliensoph It's an excellent story. It's a bit difficult to find well written Seven x Reader stories.