This may sound sudden, but I'm enjoying reading a lot more than writing right now. Part of this is fear that I can’t properly tie up my stories, but there's more. I've been reading Mistborn and The Wandering Inn and I’d forgotten how satisfying it is to just sit and read for hours. To lose yourself in another world.
I used to read a lot more than I wrote. Then I left medication behind and I barely read anything because I had so much to write. Right now the writer in me is tired. The writer in me wants to curl up with a book or a fic and just read and read…
I’m afraid I’ll lose readers if I take a very long break, and I probably will. But if I rush the end of the Just Legends series, I will regret it. I will feel terrible. I will hate what I did, and I almost never go back for rewrites.
I thought Laughter Lines would pick up speed now that I ended Hey Spacejerk. But it seems my writing all around may come much slower. To those of you reading the stories I have open, I am very sorry. I will do my best to finish them, it just may not be for awhile. I take heart from Possessed and Elyon, two fics of mine from the past that underwent nearly two-year hiatuses, and emerged as well loved stories by the time I finally concluded.
And maybe it’s time I sowed back into the community some more. When was the last time I went looking for good Mystery Skulls fanfiction? When was the last time I commended an Invader Zim fanfic writer that I didn’t already know? Maybe it’s time to sit down and do some more reading.
My apologies for any disappointment. My thanks for any understanding. And any chapters that may come after this are not a sign of full return, only that I have released myself to produce what I want to on an as-needed basis, not pushing myself in the direction I’ve been trying to unsuccessfully for months now.
Taking rec’s for good Invader Zim and Mystery Skulls fanfiction. I’d love to hear from you what you’ve found to be good, recently or in times past. Thank you.