
Hello and hi ! saya nak jemput awak baca cerita saya ni.  Saya yakin awak tertarik ! SHSHSHSH yakin bethol hakue. Sebenarnya , cerita ni dah complete tika tahun 2018 , tapi sebab saya dah semakin menua dan matang , bila dibaca balik rasa cringe yang amat. Jadi sebab nak hidangkan pembaca dengan penulisan yang lebih kemas dan matang + jalan cerita menarik , saya editlah ! Jemputlah datang menyinggah. Tujuan saya promot adalah untuk memeriahkan sebenarnya . Nak tambah semangat menulis. 
          Tekan link kalau berminat tau. Saya harap awak terbuka hati nak menyinggah ! Thank you, dear ❤ 


hi bestie , 
          I want you to know that you are an amazing friend , til death and forever. 
          If I don't get this back I understand 
          Once you get this letter , you must send this to 15 people that are you friends , including me ( if you see me as a friend.) 
          If you get 3 of these letters back , lemme tell you that you are loved. 
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. 
          Tonight right at 12 pm , the person you love will realise they love you. 
          Then, at 1pm to 2pm get ready for a shock of your life. 
          Sadly , if you break this chain you will have bad luck. 
          With love, send this to 15 people 
          If you don't you will turn ugly in one year 
          A friend told me to pass this , so pass it on! 
          Tommorow 2 boys/girls will ask me if they can have your number 
          Send this to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year! 
          [ Delete the notes when you send this to others including this one ] 
          halu zaheera~ ni arfie~ hehe thanks sbb jadi kwn aye and sorry gak klu ade annoyed awak :( also thanks sbb jadi crackhead 1b XD just nk bgtau arfie saayunkkkkk zaheera <333


@CHAMBEREUN_  pretty tgk stt za 