
Hi there!
          Hope you're doing well! If you have time please do read my book Living the life! It's a love story of an Indian army officer and an ordinary girl! I would love to know what you think! I'm sorry if I spammed you.
          Thank you :)
          Have a great day!


Hey there thank you for adding my book "You're my destiny" to your reading list. I hope you read it soon if you haven't yet and enjoy! Your love and support means a lot to us, do vote and comment to let me know what you think about it! Happy reading, stay tuned. 


          Hope you are fine and healthy.
          Thank You So Much for adding 'The Arranged One' to your reading list. It really means a lot.
          I hope you like the book. And please vote on chapters if you like reading them.
          Thanks. Stay Safe.


Hi there hon! Thank you for adding my story to your reading list! I hope you will enjoy reading it! If you do then don't forget to drop in your comments and votes! Also check out my other stories too! Happy Reading! :)


Thanks for adding loving my soon to be wife to your list. Keep reading, voting and commenting.


@snowflake_dreams keep suggesting me more good books will love it thank you ❤️