
Heyy babe! First of all, a very happy new year! ❤️
          I just published my book Twisted again, I had deleted it from Wattpad and saved it somewhere else making it lose all the progress. Somehow after encouragement I have just posted it again. 
          I would really appreciate some support to bring the book back where it was. I support back too, like if I see you encouraging on my book, I always return the favour, and if you don't have any book, I always mention for the ultimate support. 
          To sum it up, I would be really grateful for some back bone through my journey. 
          Hope you have a nice day ahead! 


Hi Tiara’s of Eira!
          I hope you all are doing well…
          I would be thrilled and happy if you could read my book and give your opinion on it. This is my first ever book “——”
          Feel free to drop your opinion, suggestions and other readers does matter as well! So please! Comment, like and share. 
          Thank you for removing your precious time for reading this message.
          Also if you have any certain book of yours or your friends which needs to be read, feel free to drop it on my conversation board. I’ll do the needful for you. Anything is fine by me. F4F, V4V etc…