@helenvictoria yay<3 who feels loved? <-- this girl, right here! yeahh you might want to fix that lovee XD lawlss i changed my namee(x lol sooo umm idk. GO READ MY FANFICC. MAKE ME FEEL LOVED<3 love you
@TheLuckyOne_Cas Of course you're my best friend too. And yes, yes tacos would be my favorite ;) Wellllll, I'm shy until you know me...? Lol, no. I'm not... I'll have to fix that. (:
Shy haha yeah Right! I'm hurt that your mom is your best friend. I guess I now know where I stand in this relationship. Haha jk! I FLACKING LOVE YOU HELEN VICTORIS ROGERS!!
Your mom is your best friend? I'm Hurt :'( Your favorite food is tacos? Yeah, they would be(; You, my friend, ARE NOT SHY. I SHOULD SLAP YOU JUST FOR THINKING THAT. Smh..well i love you<3