
this message may be offensive
Okayyyy idk if anyone of u can relate to this, bc I don't know if some of u speak german, but anyways, there's a german youtuber called Julien Bam. He is one of the biggest youtuber from germany I think (and my favvvv) and he doesn't only make "normal" videos like the other german youtuber. He started a series of short films but as youtube videos back in 2019. He called them the "Hauptvideos" and first, he promised three of them to end his youtube channel because of all the stress he had. Butttttt he's a very big perfectionist, so his three promised "Hauptvideos" became... EIGHTTEEN (plus some spin-offs for four characters). He build up a really big universe, called the JCU (Julien Cinematic Universe) with so many characters and a really fascinating story with hundreds of plot twist and a lot of character depth and development. And now, 6 years later, the last "Hauptvideo" is going to be published at his channel on March 15th.his will be his last video on his main channel (he has also two other channels but many people grew up woth his main channel) and u dont know how fucking excited and sad I am at the same time to see the end of his series and his channel <3
          	Yeahhhhhh I don't know why I told you this sowwyyyyy (I'm just doing literally   a n y t h i n g    right now except learning for my Latin test tomorrow, I haven't even started yet and it's 23:21 pm.)
          	And sorry, if my english isn't correct, it's not my native language ^^


@hellaverse_girl joa, lief ganz OK I think...
          	  Ich glaub Klassenarbeit heißt auf englisch "classtest" oder so


@SinaBlack13 das is nicht so gut hahaha XD


@hellaverse_girl danke, werd ich brauchen
          	  Ich hab natürlich noch nicht angefangen...


Ey nh wir haben denselben Namen :3


@hellaverse_girl lol ok aber ich sehe aus als hätte ich keinen Namen :>


this message may be offensive
Okayyyy idk if anyone of u can relate to this, bc I don't know if some of u speak german, but anyways, there's a german youtuber called Julien Bam. He is one of the biggest youtuber from germany I think (and my favvvv) and he doesn't only make "normal" videos like the other german youtuber. He started a series of short films but as youtube videos back in 2019. He called them the "Hauptvideos" and first, he promised three of them to end his youtube channel because of all the stress he had. Butttttt he's a very big perfectionist, so his three promised "Hauptvideos" became... EIGHTTEEN (plus some spin-offs for four characters). He build up a really big universe, called the JCU (Julien Cinematic Universe) with so many characters and a really fascinating story with hundreds of plot twist and a lot of character depth and development. And now, 6 years later, the last "Hauptvideo" is going to be published at his channel on March 15th.his will be his last video on his main channel (he has also two other channels but many people grew up woth his main channel) and u dont know how fucking excited and sad I am at the same time to see the end of his series and his channel <3
          Yeahhhhhh I don't know why I told you this sowwyyyyy (I'm just doing literally   a n y t h i n g    right now except learning for my Latin test tomorrow, I haven't even started yet and it's 23:21 pm.)
          And sorry, if my english isn't correct, it's not my native language ^^


@hellaverse_girl joa, lief ganz OK I think...
            Ich glaub Klassenarbeit heißt auf englisch "classtest" oder so


@SinaBlack13 das is nicht so gut hahaha XD


@hellaverse_girl danke, werd ich brauchen
            Ich hab natürlich noch nicht angefangen...


Haii hruu


@perzoe_123 hahahaha but it's true, my user isn't the easiest T_T


Guys I'm bored and I know that the last time I continued writing my stories was like a year ago but I'm just going to throw out my favourite ships nowwwwww: 
          PERCICO (Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo) from Percy Jackson
          HUSKERDUST (Husk x Angel Dust) from Hazbin Hotel
          STOLITZ (Stolas x Blitzo) from Helluva Boss
          SHAWNDREWS (Peter Shaw x Bob Andrews) from the three ???
          SOKEEFE (Sophie Foster x Keefe Sencen) from Keeper of the lost Cities
          Ships I like but that are not my favs:
          MOXXILLIE (Moxxie x Millie) from Helluva Boss
          PERCABETH (Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase) from Percy Jackson
          FIZZMODEUS (Asmodeus x Fizzarolli) from Helluva Boss
          DIANA (Biana Vacker x Dex Dizznee ) from Keeper of the lost Cities
          CAPTAIN SWAN (Emma Swan x Captain Hook) from Once upon a Time
          and soooooo much more
          Ships I hate:
          RADIOAPPLE (Alastor x Lucifer) from Hazbin Hotel
          (I dont like any ships with Alastor except RadioStatic, but only from Vox's side)
          SOLANGELO (Nico di Angelo x Will Solace) from Percy Jackson
          FITZPHIE (Fitz Vacker x Sophie Foster) from Keeper of the lost Cities
          What are your thoughts about those ships?
          Yeahhhhhhhh byeeeeeeeee


Idk if this is gonna happen gurl <3


@Charlotte1409283 I still wait for the next chapter bitch <33




@Charlotte1409283 haha loll
            I guess u guys are just really awesomeèe


@perzoe_123 i love how like everyone who follows me just follows me bc of @emi_Hestia 