
Dsl de mon absence :/ 
          	Petit problème de computer :") ( Il a des bugs continuelle et Chrome ne marche plus :( )
          	Je devrais être plus présente d'ici peu !!
          	Et bonne semaine de relâche les québecois :3 
          	Fred xxx


Merci pour touts les votes! (I'm not french and I don't know how to speak french so excuse the grammar)


@happily_ever_after_x  No Problem xD I always  read in english, i'm better than ever. Also I really like how you writed your story it reminds me of my writing and I hope you continue your great work c: (your french is really good, Also you can use Google Traduction if you need help, but hey! I understood xD) (Don't mind the grammar too) :3