ok so I'm watching jacksepticeye play sally face and he said the f slur is that allowed did I miss something I thought he was straight what-

@tortoise-shell that's what i was thinking and he was just reading the script (which it doesn't excuse him saying it because that would probably be like saying the n slur while singing) and in quotations. I mean it's still a problem that he hasn't addressed and there no urgent need to since it's from a while ago.

@hello_fandoms otherwise, yeah, it’s pretty weird because it didn’t seem like he knew about it at all. i didn’t see anyone in the comments address it either and it’s like no point in telling him it now when this specific video was made two years ago so like-

@hello_fandoms pretty sure “queer” isn’t a slur, since it’s a part of the lgbt”Q”ia+. well, i don’t think it should be, it’s like saying “gay” is still a slur nowadays. i mean, some people still use them as slurs, but in general they’re just seen as another title in the lgbtqia+ community. at least that’s what i think.