
Chapter 2 of The Last Summer is now up! If you're looking for the perfect summer read, or something to shake off the winter blues, then this story is for you! 
          	Emily xx


Hello loves, 
          I'm sorry that I haven't post any new chapters recently. The past month of uni has been absolutely crazy and I'm in the middle of a bunch of assignments right now. I'm trying to work out a new schedule and hopefully I will be able to get back to some regular writing soon! 
          Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, 
          Emily x


Hey guys, 
          Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last two weeks...I have actually had stuff ready, but I've been working flat-out and haven't had time to edit. THERE WILL BE CHRISTMAS UPDATES so stay tuned. Updates will return to normal in the New Year. 
          Love you all, happy holidays, 
          Emma xx