
For anyone interested,
          	@Aesthethic_Cherry is considered (By me at least) to be the official “Actor” for the Observer in “Silver Halos”. 
          	She does the character really well.


          	  I just randomly headcanon it'll give Shiro hallucinations for no reason other than to toy with her. Said hallucinations can either be nonsensical, or very triggering and sad. 
          	  Either way, the OBSERVER is neither her friend nor foe, it just toys with her for it's own amusement, but will occasionally help when needed


          	  It’s still a cool depiction!
          	  It’s basically something Shiro fears and appreciates. 


          	  Thanks Seb! <3
          	  We don't have a lot to go off of for their character, aside from "Seraph", so I mostly portray them as a very intimidating but (mostly) benevolent being


For anyone interested,
          @Aesthethic_Cherry is considered (By me at least) to be the official “Actor” for the Observer in “Silver Halos”. 
          She does the character really well.


            I just randomly headcanon it'll give Shiro hallucinations for no reason other than to toy with her. Said hallucinations can either be nonsensical, or very triggering and sad. 
            Either way, the OBSERVER is neither her friend nor foe, it just toys with her for it's own amusement, but will occasionally help when needed


            It’s still a cool depiction!
            It’s basically something Shiro fears and appreciates. 


            Thanks Seb! <3
            We don't have a lot to go off of for their character, aside from "Seraph", so I mostly portray them as a very intimidating but (mostly) benevolent being


Happy Valentines Day, Seb!! 
          Can't believe it. This holiday came really fast-
          Anyways, Valentines rp starter with the oc group:
          It was now Valentines Day, and the group was, more or less, excited. It was anday of love, appreciation, and good vibes. Though, with this group specifically, something was bound to happen.


            - A loud crash is heard, along with some cursing -
            Gen: " Uh-oh. "


            Seb and Selina: Yay!
            (Selina looks into the pot, taking in the aroma)


            Memory, sarcastically: " Oh no. Sorrows. Prayers. " 
            Psy: " On that note, is the chocolate almost done? " 
            Gen: " Yep! " :)


          Ask me a load of Silver Halos Questions. 
          Why? I am bored.


            ‐ That's fair. Their all they've got in terms of "friends", so it makes sense they'd vent to one another. What's one thing that's often brought up when they do talk about their problems/issues?
            - Robert has no clue about the rule, Mitori questions it for good reason, and Shiro just taunts Ben because he can't beat a freaking egg- lmao


            -Yeah, they all vent to each other. They’re kind of all they’ve got in the company. Save for when Pinku’s not with Dillaw.
            -There’s this one weird rule they found where apparently, assassins cannot eat any form of eggs within the buildings. Robert just has no idea, Mitori actively questions it, and Shiro, who secretly knows why, taunts Ben about it.


            1. Robert and Mitori both just going "Shut up" whenever Shiro bugs them about their crushes on each other. Love how Mitori is more blunt about telling Shiro to go away. 
            2. Love that for her. She's very professional, as always, but still happy she's not in the spotlight anymore :)
            3. I imagine the trick shot that saved Mitori's life, she was really impressed and probably felt some equivalent of butterflies in her stomach, but hid it well because she's like that. Lol
            Two other questions, does Mitori/Robert ever vent to each other, or to Shiro, whenever the work day is hard? 
            And, what is one rule Impostor Co. enforces that the trio think ridiculous? Like, is the rule just stupid? Dangerous? Borderline abusive?


Random fun fact about each of the Chaotic Quartet
          -Seb’s a fan of Gravity Falls.
          -Garry was born with a stronger than average enamel. 
          -Selina had some inspiration from Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin’) originally.
          -Akari’s favorite Manga Genre is Shōhen. 
          Also, I’ve got some One-Shots in the works. 
          Two were requests, one based on Silver Halos. 
          The Requests come first, though.


New RP with favorite ship))
          So Vienna went out with some other people, leaving Phi alone as he kinda is being hunted down by the same company that made him and the others. Making it unsafe for Phi to be outside for long. 
          It's also not good for Phi as he is pretty clingy and paranoid, texting Vienna a lot and pretty rapidly 
          Your going to be alright Phi it's just a trip she will be back, *Phi gets head pats for comfort*)) 


            Echo then starts to walk away


            Vienna: No worries, Echo.
            (She nods)
            Vienna: He’s in good hands.


Can I borrow Shiro so I can draw her in my style, I want to test a new shading method?


            I’d definitely love to see some ship art of the two.


            Alright then thanks for that. 
            Also want ship art made of Phi and Vienna? 
            I think I'm starting to get obsessed with these two and their cuteness


            Shiro’s owned by Bluebirdslol and OneQuart, who direct FNF: Rhythmic Revolution.
            They are open to fanart, so it should be fine.


Hey Seb! If you're up for it, I have an rp thingy for your RR AU, "Silver Halos "
          I'll play Robert, and you can play Mitori and Shiro, since their personalities are a little different than from canon RR 
          - The trio were ordered to take out some targets back down on Earth. The targets in question are very fancy and influential, however, also very manipulative and know how to exploit people's insecurities to get what they want out of them
          The evening the three were sent to kill these targets happened to fall on an evening when the targets were hosting a formal party (or ball, or whatever).
          To not get caught, and to blend in, the three had to dress the part. Only one problem... none of them have ever been to anything like this -


            (Yeah, lol. I thought it was the perfect kind of ending)


            - Mitori smiles a little, seeing her roommate more comfortable, as she just stays close to both her coworkers -
            (This is too cute :3 )


Working on a new AU.
          Rhythmic Revolution: Incarceration got the ball rolling, now I just have this idea in progress. 
          I call it “Silver Halos”.