@niallersdirtymofo girl so i'm reading akotc now...and let me just say that i don't understand how i lived before this..like what was my life? Yeah i know..to much but hey you should know the power of fangirling..anyways(btw anywhore is my new favorite word;) ) i love your A/N 'cause it feels like you are acutally talking to ME yes me in the back row while i read it..omg and you are sooo funny:) so because this is getting soo long i just wanna say ONE last thing: you have this book about niall and the rest of one d dies(me gasping) and it's such a really good story and i would love to see what happends so mayby you could update more..i mean i know you are probablly really busy but i love your storys sooo much..soo please pretty please with cherrys on top mayby update?:):*