Thanks so much for the votes on my venom fanfic!! I can't wait to check out your hawkeye fic

@CatherineDean363 thanks, and it's more of a time matter or lack there of that really prevents, also a serious case of writers block, so I like to support others , but I will definitively take another look at my fanfic if u like it

@aaronh135 it is hard to keep up with my other fics when certain ones are getting so much attention. Dx But I think you should keep writing despite how many likes, votes you get. Especially if it makes you happy ya know?! I'm going to start your hawkeye fic on my break. XD

@CatherineDean363 oh, no prob, if I had gotten the kind of fan base ur getting, I would probably put in the time to write more chapters despite my busy work schedule