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There are some cryptids out there that I believe in. The biggest one is the Not Deer because deer are fucking weird. Usually, the story will go that there is someone in the woods at night who sees a deformed deer. Usually, they stand up on their back legs and run off into the forest after being spotted.
One: Deer can 110% run on their back legs.
Two: Have you ever seen an injured deer? They don’t act like they are supposed to. They don’t act like they are in pain or anything and it’s freaky as shit.
Three: Chronic Wasting Disease, brain worms, rabies, and many other diseases can make deer act weird as shit. So seeing one randomly hop up on its back legs and sprint away is pretty tame in comparison.
The only thing I don’t believe is that they are shapeshifters or whatever. I do believe there are fucked up deer walking around like nothing is wrong which looks freaky to humans, but I don’t think it’s something masquerading as a deer, I think it’s just a sick animal.
TLDR; I am terrified of deer because they don’t react right to pain which weirds me out, and I 100% believe fucked up deer are wandering around spooking hikers.