there is so much that i have to tell you , oliver . i’ve accomplished so much . i was freed from hell . . i’m working on finding myself and who i once was . yet , there is something missing — and that’s / you / . you’re an important part of my life , you always will be . whether you choose to come with me and for us to be together again . . well , that is completely up to you , but , you must know this — i love you and i have to thank you for being there for me . we may have not gotten our happy ending just yet , but one day we will .


i’m back and i love you and i’ll never leave you again ! i promise because i did it , i actually did it !


            tell me ~ have you tried whipped coffee yet because i’ve heard it’s rather tasty .


@DECElVING     *   the demon hesitantly nodded,   but nonetheless continued to follow the brunette with a small smile on his own lips,   *   sounds fantastic.


            we’re going to get some coffee and go sit by the water — it’s going to be lovely , promise . - he said , a light smile forming upon his lips as he led the other towards downtown -


i have zero clue what you’re talking about , i’m acting like myself ?


@DECElVING   i’ll be here with you,  always.   just   .   .   if something gets hard for you just call for me.   i’ll be here in a second.


            i need to resist the temptation of doing anything that is trying to be persuaded onto me . if i can resist it enough . . maybe i won’t have to — to worry . . maybe i can overcome this .


@DECElVING     i can’t just watch you stand by suffer in front of my eyes when i know that i can help you,   elias.   will you let me help you?


i love you , you know that right ?


            this isn’t a demon . . he’s much more . . i can’t explain it — i’m just venting . . i’m fine , i — i did this to myself and i will deal with it by myself . . all that matters is that i am not immortal , okay ? and we’re together forever .


@DECElVING     it’s what demons do,  elias.  we try to coax the fear out of you to fuel our own power.  just so we can mess with you even more  .  .   babe,  don’t be scared of it,  okay?  just  .  .   want me to stay with you for a bit,  elias?  you can live with me for a bit,  sleep in my room with me,  mhm?  sound good?  


            it’s happening again . . i’m losing my mind . i can’t even sleep without — i don’t know . . i can’t even explain it . . but when i’m awake and alone , it’s like the shadows are closing in on me . . i feel suffocated , i feel — so unlike myself . . my thoughts are not my own . . i’m trying not to be / afraid / . . but i can’t help it . . whatever this thing is . . whatever’s now attached to me is . . it trying to influence me . . to do / something / .