@moodshifts /
what I’m saying your fucked but
you also got
trapped ... and you 18 years old but you made the choice
to have sex even if she did poke holes in condoms . You
still young and right now you
shouldn’t be
worrying about taking care of kids or psychotic female ...
you should be having fun .
* gives him a look . * GET A DAMN DNA TEST .
Oh no you don’t , us labonair don’t
run from our
problem and you not about to start
so grow some
balls and y’all to the damn . If you
don’t want to
be with go tell her that don’t run .
Stop being a pussy .
so basically you're saying i'm fucked .
i'm only 18 , i don't know what love is ...
are all women this fucking complicated ? one damn minute she wants me to leave her and the next she's bitching about me not giving her enough time and spending time with the
children . the hell am i supposed to be sure if they are even mine ? i don't need
a man to man talk what i need is a new identity and a plane ticket out of this country .
@moodshifts /
* laughs before shaking his head * Little tip to
man to man always check the condoms before putting
them on . It’s not , at least not for me ... marry someone
who makes you happy and you willing to spend the
rest of your immortal life with not out of curiosity, Kai .
I married Kalina because I love her dearly and she
the love of my life and mother of my children . I
would’ve still married her if I didn’t knock her up .
fuck . kaylee , baby ... look i promise you i did not mean a word that
i said back there with my mother . i was pissed off and blurted out so many things i didn't mean .