
this message may be offensive
the only expection update (cheers)
          	miracle kinda had a disaster that i’m having a breakdown about (all of my work is GONE from my google drive so now the only things i have access to is what’s posted on wattpad.) (will rewrite because i love that story and i know you guys do too will just take some time because im ridiculously upset about losing it) (and lowk hoping its just lost somewhere in the void and i will pull a /miracle/ and find it) (crying)
          	liar is like. who even knows what’s going on with her. not completely abandoned but i’m stuck on it ngl (she’s such a diva)
          	thanks for sticking with me, life’s been a bitch lately and i haven’t meant to completely ignore all the msgs and comments!! i do read them all and appreciate the support but goddamn… life. kicking my ass. 
          	more updates soon (i really hope!)


Did you take down miracle?


lmaooo yeahhh wasn’t my best move removing it but!! and ty! so glad your enjoying toe


Okok its js i remembered reading it and then i thought i was going crazy when it wasnt in my library. But im really enjoying the only exception its SO SO SO well written


yeah i just did it when i was having a breakdown while high very impulsive. i’ll repost it within the next few days with a new chapter probably oops


this message may be offensive
the only expection update (cheers)
          miracle kinda had a disaster that i’m having a breakdown about (all of my work is GONE from my google drive so now the only things i have access to is what’s posted on wattpad.) (will rewrite because i love that story and i know you guys do too will just take some time because im ridiculously upset about losing it) (and lowk hoping its just lost somewhere in the void and i will pull a /miracle/ and find it) (crying)
          liar is like. who even knows what’s going on with her. not completely abandoned but i’m stuck on it ngl (she’s such a diva)
          thanks for sticking with me, life’s been a bitch lately and i haven’t meant to completely ignore all the msgs and comments!! i do read them all and appreciate the support but goddamn… life. kicking my ass. 
          more updates soon (i really hope!)


as you all may have noticed i haven’t updated liar yet  along with the other fics… so full transparency i completely forgot my plans for that fic oops. 
          going to spend some time rereading it and hopefully will get an idea and update it for you all soon


Same thing for me, Miracle is definitely o e of my favorite fics ever. I hope you can update it !


          so sorry it’s been so long. between getting a new (very crazy) boss at work, having to deal with the death of my grandmother and then a week later, my ex, and the general craziness of this time of year- it’s genuinely slipped my mind to write. or update. just been going through a lot, but things are a bit clearer now and oomf on twitter reminded me of these so i figured id get back into it.
          i’ve just updated miracle and the only exception, and hoping to get an update for liar within the next few days. hope you all enjoy and sorry again for going a bit MIA!<3
          hoping to start updating weekly or maybe bi-weekly depending on how life fizzles out. 
          happy holidays


@hellyawilliams Oh my! So sorry that you've been dealing with all this. I hope things continue to improve. And happy that you're back friend. Thanks for the update and new chapters.


@hellyawilliams oh wow I'm so sorry to hear that I hope you're in a much better place now  hoping things get better! Also ngl the update made my day thank you so much for this 


@ hellyawilliams  oh my god. hearing from you made me so happy. thank you for updating in the midst of everything. i've also been going through a lot too and this brightened up my day so much. i'm sorry for your loss, sending you love ❤️❤️❤️ take your time and take care of yourself 