
A chapter is out (since yesterday, i keep my promises >:-O) !!


@helpthisperson and just as I've mentioned, I will be more active since finals are done. ty for sticking with me :')


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im bout to fucking kay em ess rn has anyone seen chapter 101 of bsd? cus i fuckin swear if dazai d words I'll deem my whole life to be bs. my life purpose has extinguished and although i did mention a lot abt how much i wanted him to d word, now that it may be potentially happening, im taking it back. i hope this is a late april fools day from asagiri bc i cannot take this shit anymore


@ros3nna i hope both of em dies (daz and fyo) so the pain will hurt less. a life for a life ig LMAO


My heart is aching, chuuya, PLEASEEEEE I BEG OF YOU ASAGIRI DON'T KILL THE MANNNN and uh- pretty sure the both of em will die, i had a prediction a few months back that something similar to this would happen, just not in this way-(both as in Fyodor and Dazai)


i just watched zootopia and i ended up realizing how much i act like nick and how my past was somewhat similar to his (ofc not like the whole physical abuse thing, i mean i did experience phys abuse from school but not to that degree) and the lesson he learnt that day was very similar to how i act
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