Hello Dear Writer,
We are Ocean Drop. We would like to invite you to join us in an Exclusive Anthology. Details are given below:
Name of the Book:- Bliss - the charm of nature
The theme of the book:- Inspirational and motivational.
Language: English, Hindi, Marathi & Gujarati
Genre: Open Genre
Compiler: Ocean Drop, Catherine & Author B. Talekar
Benefits to co-authors:
5 pages(maximum) for Content +
1 Page for bio & picture.
Free paperback copy of the book, hardcopy of Certificate, hardcopy of appreciation letter & Social media promotion.
Life long worldwide distribution on Amazon.
Entry charge - ₹ 450/- Only
Only 18 slots!!!
You can reach out to us at authorbtalekar21@gmail.com
Would you like to participate in our Anthology.?
We would like to have you in this venture.!
Please submit your entry here:- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwcPdj1qU6dLNEQe8s6SwKPgRWsEu_eaHy2mI6uAFG9CrbZA/viewform?usp=sf_link