
Hi, in a matter of hours this account will be deleted. It was one of Maya's request before she died...


So M died over the night. It's time for me to tell u about the real M. 
          Her name is Maya she lied to a couple of you about her name . She never owned a blog and that blog wasn't hers. She really was dying and now is dead.
          People were trying to get,her name out of  her so she lied about her name.
          Any way. She's dead. And in 24 hours this account will be deleted. Because it's reminding me of her, and it kills me.  So any way bye 


I'm so so sorry. I understand why your deleting. I prayed for her and could barely concentrate at school because I was worrying. Just remember that she is surrounded by love and is in a better place now. xxxxx


Hope your okay. If you ever need me I'm here. 


Hi Tia, hope your okay. I know I've seen a few messages like this but if you ever need a friendly chat, I'm always here. I know what it's like to lose someone so close to your heart so I'll always be here for you. Even if I don't reply for a bit ill still get back to you
          Hannah xxxxx 


It's sad to think some of you think this is all a lie. My best friend is so close to dying and if she doesn't get a little bit better soon she'll be dead. Why would I lie about this? It's not for followers it's not for attention. This is a real life situation.
          And it pains me to think you guys don't believe me. Don't follow I don't care about the followers all I care about is my best friend to get better and not die. 


 I just said my good byes to M I'll visit her tommorow but either in the night of tomorrow she'll pass away. I'm crying so hard it's unbelievable. I don't want to leave her but I have to. I loved her and always will. She'll always be in my heart ... 


@hemmo_sugg_4lyf im so sorry.  If you ever need someone to talk to just pm me. M has been in my prayers.


Stay strong  I can't even begin to think what your going through xxx