
really kinda wanting to update “should’ve held onto you”  kinda missing astro rn


Hii can you update should've held into you please 
          The story is amazing 


@yuiipp i know it's really hard for all of us 
            But I'm gonna wait for you❤️


Hi, I’m glad you enjoy the story! :) It’s been a long time since I’ve updated SHOY, so my writing has changed a lot. I do consider continuing it or repolishing it so I’m more inclined to continue it. With the passing of Moonbin, I'm not sure how easy it will be to post content with him in it, but maybe sometime l'll come back to it! Thanks for your support!


Hi there
          Will you update should've held onto you? It is a great story. Hope you know that and will continue it. 


Hi! It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve updated that story, however I do have a chapter drafted right now, so maybe. With the passing of Moonbin, I’m not sure how easy it will be to post content with him in it. Maybe sometime I’ll come back to it! Thanks for your support ❤️


Hi there^^ Surely you've gotten far too much spam from me today already, but I really would like you to know how incredible of a writer I think you are.  I don't even know how it was that I stumbled upon your writings in the first place, though I'm so glad I did. Your work has such incredible flow to it that sometimes I just want to go over and re-read a paragraph because I love the way the words seem to blend into one another to create something so perfectly cohesive. Beyond this, there's this really pretty philosophical undertone to your work (though I'm not entirely sure how to describe it). Sometimes you'll write something that has me thinking, and I love that it manages to come back to your characters later on in the chapter. You're exceptionally talented, and I sincerely hope you continue to write because people like me will always stumble upon your stories somehow, and we will always end up mesmerized and inspired. Please never stop making your art.


@ScientificOngniel Thanks so much! Good luck to you, too!!


I'm really happy that someone with your ability is pursuing English:) I'm also really happy that I managed to make you feel supported! Please always keep going- your Astro work will be just as lovely as your EXO series, I am SURE of it. Best of luck!


Oh my god, I don’t hate your spam. You’ve inspired me beyond belief, and I’m so glad I went online to check Wattpad today. As a writer, an English Major now, I can get really bad writer’s block, and I haven’t been writing Fanfiction nearly as much, and when I sit down to write it can grow tiring, but I just recently began writing on my Astro fanfiction again, slowly but surely. You have no idea how much this means to me and how much it finally feels like someone saw the underlying messages in my works. Thank you so much for this and all of your support!


Hey, so it’s October of 2018 and I’m sitting on my couch writing this when I should be doing homework. Here’s some of my story. I started writing a Walking Dead fanfic in 2013 (I think oops), and it was probably the best thing I ever did. I miss it. So much. I’ve lost so many friends and readers since I’ve ended my stories, and I miss that too. But that’s life. I took a break from writing, because I felt I could do better. Now I like kpop and performance and music and animals and boys with sweet smiles, words of affirmaton and writing with a pen and paper and psychology. Back then, somehow, it was different. I liked acting and zombie tv shows and boys who messaged you online and compliments and temporary happiness. And while I still like acting and zombie tv shows and boys who message me online and compliments, I have preferences and happiness can’t be temporary anymore. I’m not sure why I’m typing this, but to you reading it, find yourself. Don’t let others pressure you to keep up this façade. Life is so much more, and the alphabet will wait for you to string together letters in harmony, and the keyboard will wait for you to type up a reality, and those who really matter will wait for you to get better. But even more than that, those people will cheer you on. If you don’t have that, neither did I. You will conquer. You will prevail. I love you.


Hi..^-^ ugh..how to begin...soo I'd just like to say that your story on quotev called 'Coincidence' is amazing. I'm so happy you kept it there... REALLY happy. It's amazing. The story is one of the best I've ever read. 
          I do have a question I've been meaning to ask an author a few question about writing and stuff like that. You don't have to answer if you don't wanna. 
          I'm currently writing a fanfic. I've wrote two long chapters but haven't published them (yet(not sure if I should)). You see, I'm really insecure about my writing. Is it good enough? Will people like it? My sister says it's amazing but..i just don't know. I'm sort of 'young' for a writer. (14). When you were writing Coincidence and readers asked for updates, does it put some weight on your shoulder? Do you feel stressed out because you haven't published in a long time? I'm scared if I published the story lots of people will hate on it or feel pressured on updating every week. Do you think it's a good idea for me to publish the fanfic? If yes on wattpad or quotev?
          ((((( You're an amazing writer. <3 :p )))))


No problem at all, thanks so much for asking me ❤️❤️


No problem at all, thanks so much for asking me ❤️❤️


Omg I don't know how I didn't receive the notification for this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! xD I'll pay more attention to the grammatical and punctuation issues. 
            Once again, I thank you. You're literally the first person to give me their honest answer. <3


          I was wondering if you had enough time to be reading my Suga fanfic and leaving some intense constructive criticisms?
          Thank you! <3


Ok I know it's been like years since you sent me this, but I'm on chapter one of your yoongi fanfic, and I can honestly say I don't even know why you contacted me it's so good  you're incredibly descriptive, and you bring something fresh to the table. I will continue to read on and let you know what I think :)


I'll try to as soon as I get time :) 