Hello, my dears
So I have some books in store for you and I would love for you to be intrigued.
As far as I'm concerned, I can't post all of them at once considering how lazy I am...
Okay, I'll just let you have an idea of how those books are gonna be like...
Just so you know they're only going to be published when I finish The Great School of Magic, or somewhere along the line when I'm almost done with it.
Maybe when I'm almost done with it.
So they are two books. The first one is called Crimson Genesis: Blood Stain.
(It seems I have a really serious problem when it comes to deciding on book titles...)
As the title suggests, it's about killing. But for a good cause. A group of assassins with a sucky name aim to bring down a corrupt empire.
I will be publishing this alongside The Great School of Magic so it is coming very very soon.
Okay, the second book is my favorite so far, and it's called Misery.
It seems I actually love grief stories with tragic endings.
If you also love such books, then Misery is bound to be your favorite too.
A young boy notices that since some strange occurrence, tragedies come to him once a year on the same date. He wants to find out why, and soon he does. But perhaps he's too late...
If you're hooked then I'm sorry. This will start God willing next year on 1st January.
I'm just kidding
It will start somewhere in October...or November.
Depends on how many times I procrastinate.
Okay, I love you guys as usual and byee❤️❤️