ahhhh dudeee hope you’re doing well. can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up
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Well now thirty people will get notified for this, kind of a lot. I'm posting this to let you know how my idea of the rework is and for me to use as a guideline. After literal hours of looking through the manga and watching an immoral amount of video essays deciphering each character, I have character profiles for everyone important and I'm officially starting the rework. In average each character will be longer. Not necessarilly advancing more, but working the characters more. The whole training will be longer, really taking in the dynamics of the group. I'll probably write the snow chapter where they carry Daz when I feel sure every character is set, in training. I feel it's way too important for the relationship for it just to be a flashback. The Y/n-Krista dynamic will be explored more since I actually have a clue of how Krista operates now. So yeah more Krista scenes. Y/n-Ymir will be slower, since it wouldn't make sense for them to just hit it off from the get go given their backstory. Annie will have a more important role and regularly have more, screentime? booktime? I don't feel that's the word but I hope you get what I mean. She won't interact much with the rest of the Y/n group because why would her, but she will with Y/n. Thurner. I feel he hadn't a set character, and that wasn't okay. More Thurner backstory, motivation and personality. Levi-Y/n. Essential. This whole dynamic sets Y/n as a character. Expect more hardships and lessons. Last but definitely not least of all, Y/n. He will have his defects. His mom died and he has to fend for himself in the streets, he'll need an arc just to open up to who he trusts. The areas he does excel in, will be a result of hard work, clearly explained. Also, I'll get them proofread. Yeah I think we're good to go with that for now. Any questions or suggestions, please do post them. Thank you for reading! I promise I won't post these too often.
@herakiess alr, and also if I never said it before, your fanfics are one of the only fanfics that aren't bad. :)
@Zakariius Thanks a lot for your comments. That was one of the parts I thought was off, he shouldn't be that good unless I come up with some way of explaining it, and maybe Levi being his tutor could help, but yeah Mikasa should be able to kick Y/n's ass. Your Ackerman idea is interesting, it would work out and fit nicely, but I've got like an entire google doc with Y/n's backstory already, and it doesn't really fit anywhere rn. I do agree it would be really cool, though.
ahhhh dudeee hope you’re doing well. can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up
Hi, are you going to keep updating your story? (I speak Spanish and I'm using a translator to ask you this)
its been quite a while since you've updated us any progress?
Hello Man, How are You? Are You still alive?
Well now thirty people will get notified for this, kind of a lot. I'm posting this to let you know how my idea of the rework is and for me to use as a guideline. After literal hours of looking through the manga and watching an immoral amount of video essays deciphering each character, I have character profiles for everyone important and I'm officially starting the rework. In average each character will be longer. Not necessarilly advancing more, but working the characters more. The whole training will be longer, really taking in the dynamics of the group. I'll probably write the snow chapter where they carry Daz when I feel sure every character is set, in training. I feel it's way too important for the relationship for it just to be a flashback. The Y/n-Krista dynamic will be explored more since I actually have a clue of how Krista operates now. So yeah more Krista scenes. Y/n-Ymir will be slower, since it wouldn't make sense for them to just hit it off from the get go given their backstory. Annie will have a more important role and regularly have more, screentime? booktime? I don't feel that's the word but I hope you get what I mean. She won't interact much with the rest of the Y/n group because why would her, but she will with Y/n. Thurner. I feel he hadn't a set character, and that wasn't okay. More Thurner backstory, motivation and personality. Levi-Y/n. Essential. This whole dynamic sets Y/n as a character. Expect more hardships and lessons. Last but definitely not least of all, Y/n. He will have his defects. His mom died and he has to fend for himself in the streets, he'll need an arc just to open up to who he trusts. The areas he does excel in, will be a result of hard work, clearly explained. Also, I'll get them proofread. Yeah I think we're good to go with that for now. Any questions or suggestions, please do post them. Thank you for reading! I promise I won't post these too often.
@herakiess alr, and also if I never said it before, your fanfics are one of the only fanfics that aren't bad. :)
@Zakariius Thanks a lot for your comments. That was one of the parts I thought was off, he shouldn't be that good unless I come up with some way of explaining it, and maybe Levi being his tutor could help, but yeah Mikasa should be able to kick Y/n's ass. Your Ackerman idea is interesting, it would work out and fit nicely, but I've got like an entire google doc with Y/n's backstory already, and it doesn't really fit anywhere rn. I do agree it would be really cool, though.
to you 5 people following me, im glad youre reading and hopefully enjoying what i write. cheers to you
@FrancoOrtega969 fallo mío, voy imaginando la historia pero se me olvida escribirla
@herakiess Definitely enjoying it! I loved the foreshadowing in the previous chapter. Didn't get a chance to read the latest one yet, but will do as soon as I can. Keep up the good work, cheers back! (is that a thing people say? idk)
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