
So I should have said something sooner, but I didn't. The day of my last update/announcement... how we went to go visit my grandfather... my grandfather passed away. (February 19, 2021)
          	We were called that very same morning, and were told to come right away. We got into the car, and around 8:20 they called while we were on our way, panicked, my aunt asked what was wrong and said that we were all on our way, that we were on the road. The woman said “nothing, everything is fine. Just wanted to make sure you were on the way.”
          	We were there in 20 minutes. My grandmother and brother were the first to go up cuz they were only letting in “2 at a time” due to the pandemic. 
          	Only then my brother was the only one to come down... he was already gone.
          	He died 20 minutes before we got to see him one final time. He died when we received that second phone call in the car. And they, said, nothing.
          	So it’s been hard. I haven’t touched this app in months, nearly a year. I haven’t had the motivation to write. I still don’t. 
          	But starting today I’m gonna start at least trying to continue my BNHA story. The rest are going to remain untouched/on hold.
          	I’m sorry for the wait. Please be patient with me. And I thank all of those who have been up until this point.


@herewerock sorry for ur loss author-chan


@herewerock So please take your time


@herewerock  Im so sry for your loss Ik what its like to lose someone you love i lost my great-grandmother on November 12, 2021


I just wondered what happened that led you to pulling all of your stories more or less as I really enjoyed your Descendants stories with Ben and Victoria Hood


@Lemonadec_Crescent7 I also lost access to my account. I just got it back after days of emailing for help. It was a frustrating process. Emailing again and again, photo evidence and everything over and over again, even going so far to wanting David to DM on Instagram so I can call and prove that it's mine. 


I know this might sound wrong but I wanted to ask that if we promised not to mess with the stories or post them as our own that there was a way to get copies of our fave stories for our own personal readings


@Lemonadec_Crescent7 omg thank you so much, and I’m so sorry  