
literally ya’ll are dumbasses


@cosmicensors :   smarter than you 


word on the street is that you’re not rae’s familiar anymore .


            i was in a very dark place and i would never ask you to forgive me for what i have done . . but what happened between you and rae is absolutely none of my business and not really my place to bud into , lazarus . . nevertheless , i had to come to you and at least tell you that whatever you need in life i will supply to you because that’s the right thing to do after you were — i suppose ? cut off . .


@DECElVING    my name is still lazarus,  idiot.   it’s not like i went through a whole identity change  —   and   .   .    you tried to kill me once,  don’t think i’d wanna ask help from a person who attempted to choke me to my death,  /  elias.  /


            so what’s your name now ? whatever it is , just know . . if you need anything i’m always just . . a call away . no deals , no nothing . . just let me know if you ever need anything .


you’ll still mad at me  ,   aren’t you  ?


@herfamjliar    ♱    yeah  ,   mhm  .   *  she picked up her art supplies from her desk and shoved them into her bag  ,   not daring to look up at him to make eye contact  .  *   well  ,   i can’t do much for you there  .   this might be the last time i see you so  . . .   i hope that whatever force guides this world takes you onto a better path to serve a better master  .   If not that then to live your best life as a free man  . 


@ofmagics     then i guess i just go by no name again?  sadly,  i still don’t remember even a scrap of my memory except the feeling of suffocating underwater.  or whatever,  and being passive  -  aggressive is a passion. 


@herfamiliar    ♱    you could’ve just said yes instead of being passive - aggressive  ,   lazarus  .   or is that even your name anymore  ?   i wouldn’t know  .   you’re not my familiar anymore  ,   and it was a name i chose for you  .   you’re under no obligation to keep it  .