
Okay, my computer had a huge breakdown and I can't access Wattpad from there, plus my keyboard has gone absolute bananas!
          	Worry not, I shall be (trying to) update from the crap Windows Watty app. It sucks. So MUCH.
          	Sooo an update of Specks of Gold is on the way!
          	Pray for me and my family.


   hi! how are you? is your day going well? [just wanted to let you know that i love your profile description. it's very vivid.]
              i've been on a hiatus of sorts, which led to me coming across the votes you left on my book 30 Days only now, and i want to tell you from the bottom of my heart, thank you. it means a massive bunch to me that you're reading it, and your opinion matters a lot to me. so as you read, feel free to let me know what you liked, what i should work more on, and just your invaluable thoughts generally. i hope you do stick around, and have as much a great time reading it as i do writing it.


@hermione_me you really think so? oh my, thank you, really. being nice is something that's of insane importance to me. 
            thank you for asking about my day, it's been going alright. i've been slightly caught up with the load of homework & exams, but i'm as alright as it gets. good to hear your day has been going alright too. also, quotes are another thing i hold very close to me (my screenshots are filled with them because i get so infatuated with the quotes i catch here & there!) and i'm a sucker for things that make you think.
            and quite frankly, wow. i've never thought anyone would say such nice things about my writing, but you just described the things that i've always aimed to achieve through my work. it makes me more happy than i could put into a mere message, and i'm on cloud 9 that you are able to relate to amulya! 
            i will be looking forward to that, no doubt. your support & nice words are so invaluable to me, i hope you never forget that. thanks for leaving me the nicest message i've read all week. i hope you do great in your exams. xx


@allthesescars you really are too nice, you should know.
            my day has been going alright, tell me about yours?
            and I'm glad someone actually gets the meaning behind the quote, you're really insightful, if I must.
            oh, your book is wonderful. it's so free flowing and real, and as good as it can get. your writing style is different, and it's incredible to have someone of such talent create something for us to read. 
            I've not been able to read your book for the past few days; exams. well, Ajith and I relate in our weakness in academics!
            you better look forward to me spamming your notifications feed soon. I'll stick around for sure.