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So since my life is like a reality show some huge shit happened today. So my friend Arlo and I had lunch together with our parents and younger sisters and when we finished the main course we went outside to this like playground structure there is outside and there were four little kids (Btw most of this happened in Spanish and my friend doesn't understand much which is why he didn't say much). So they basically annoyed us and left, which we were glad abt, so then like a bunch of others came and they started dancing and calling us cunts like THEY WERE 5 AND 4!!!! So I replied by calling them a son of a bitch and they were like nah that's offensive. So for the next ten minutes they were insulting us and we didn't say anything too serious but they were calling us bitches so we gave up and just did the middle finger to them. Then they understood we were talking in English and started saying stuff like flying peacock, and stinky poo as an insult then bursting out in laughter like lol. Then they asked if I was Chinese and they were racist, brain rot, and swearing at like 9, 5, 4, and 3, this gen is screwed. So the main bitch which I call four eyes cuz he had glasses then insulted me and my sister then slapped me TWICE. So I retaliated by grabbing his arm and telling him to never insult my sister. Ever. And the oldest was like bro lay off him he's only five, which I told her to fuck off. By this point I was abt to beat them up, but Arlo our sisters and I climbed to a higher point, and then we had like 10 kids below us saying we were bf and gf and orphans? So we were abt to beat the shit out of them, then he yelled twice at the top of his lungs and they shut up, for like 5 secs. They then started insulting us more and I yelled at the top of my lungs , and they went quiet for like 30 seconds and the oldest said yet again "Bro lay off us we're just kids" so Arlo was like yeah we're leaving so we left and then went to tell our parents surprise surprise, we ain't orphans.

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@hermionehead123 Jesus this gen IS messed UP.. OH LORDY THE 'WE'RE JUST KIDS!' seriously mightve beaten the shit out of em fr