Hi guys. How are you all doing? Haha, well I know it is been a while since I've been active here for a long time then become hiatus. Well, here I am temporarily active in Wattpad haha. I just came back here because I suddenly missed the era when I was still writing a new chapter of my fan fiction. Sadly, I cannot write new chapters anymore because I have to focus my life seriously especially since I have a few years left before graduating college. Another reason is my interests change once I grow older :'). It's sad to say haha. If only I could go back in time that I'm still writing my fanfic hahaha. I remember way back mid 2022 when I finished my Gusley Fanfic "Dangerous Seekers AU" and it was successful. That was the time when Moonton announced their crush status haha and I'm so happy that time. These moments will become the memories of my life, my active era in Wattpad will be also memories. I won't regret this era that centers my teenage era because this will become my history when I enter full adulthood. That's my message for today and a belated Happy New Year Everyone. Peace out! P.S. You can still access reading the fanfics I made for the previous years. :3