
Please everyone help me out here, enter using my link: http://www.fanbacked.com/TheHellWithin/898f913a-c17d-4670-ab72-f89205e6148e the more people to enter using my link the more likely I am to win a free signed guitar from SLASH from GUNS N ROSES. Not only will I be able to win but you to!! So please enter and share! Thank you!


Women, do not let anyone and I mean anyone disrespect you, whether it be verbally or physically. You have a voice and you have fists, use them! Do not let anyone discriminate you and feel as though you are helpless because we are just as up there as men and I quote faster. Be heard and realize you have a voice!


Posted chapter three to my book! I hope you all enjoy. I would appreciate if you guys gave me feed back of any kind, I surely would do the same. On a second note, I need he lot for a cover, if any of you know how to make a cow or know someone who does please let me know! I would appreciate it! Love you all, blessings.