
@juicey12204 I just did lol


So guys I've thought about this a lot and I don't like The Dead Of Night. I will probably delete it. I do not like how I wrote it and I do not like the storyline. I am sorry, I know that a lot of you like it and I am so grateful that you stuck through it with me and for the support but I do not like it. I was thinking about another Carl story but a completely different storyline, would you all read it? Again I am so so sorry but I really hate that story. 
          Stay cool and keep watch for walkers


Omg I love your stories! And your hair! I TOTALLY WISH I COULD HAVE YOUR HAIR! But maybe a diff colour lol I don't think red suites me. Maybe purple? LIKE VIOLET!!! Omg lol just FANGIRLING and oMG CHASSIE AND CAZLYN ARE THERE BEAUTIFUL SHIP NAMES OMG I LOVE IT TOO MUCH!!!