huh i haven't posted a conversation thingy in a while, so i'll just state what my reading lists mean.
cherry blossoms: at first, this was my favorites, but then i had so many, so its just books that i really liked, that made me smile a bit.
possibilities: decent stories.
kit kat cliches: my favorite chocolate is kit kats, and well, those stories are what i'd say are cliches.
dark pools: things that had really kinda dark endings or just was mostly sad, i would also call it my fall and winter reads as well.
sparks: beautiful and inspiring stories.
empty buckets: LOOK OUT FOR WHEN I ADD BOOKS TO THIS, BECAUSE THIS MY "FAVORITE BOOKS" READING LIST. btw, F.A.I.T.H is the best book I've read so far on watts. its called empty buckets because i've finished them and that empty feeling you have inside once you've finished a book you were so absorbed in and loved.
finally, filled buckets: books that i've read. i mostly add most books i read to one of the other reading lists, but if I don't, and it's an alright book, i'll add it to this reading list.