Demigod, half- God, half- Human. Daughter of the powerful Sky God, Zeus. Electrocuter. Wind Controller. Decision maker. KPop- Lover. Frustrated Singer. Never a dancer. Writer. Sweet lover. And most of all a typical teenager. \m/

That's me! Annyeong Haseyo! Herzeila- imnida. ^_______^v Kpopper since 2012. Choi Seunghyun's Wifeeyyyy. :** Married since November 04, 2012. Kim Junmyeon's wife, too. Lee Donghae's fiancee. Cha Baro, Wufan, Nam Woohyun, Lee Seungyeol, Kim Himchan, Bang Yongguk, and Ren's girlfriend.

Loves to bully everyone. Imma food lover, too and a girl with huge dreams. \m/
  • Дата регистрацииJune 16, 2012

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