Hey yall I’ve been trying to find a Herophine fic that I read like years ago if anyone knows it please lmk and if it’s been deleted lmk aswell.
- Friends to Lovers Trope
- Character names were: Brea Scotsdale (but went by Scotty) and Beuraguard (dk if this was his first name but I remember he went by Beau)
- She (Scotty) has a heart disease
- They were neighbours and basically grew up together
- He wants to move back to the UK to play football, she’s goes with him to study medicine there
- She has a male classmate that’s flirts with her and Beau doesn’t like him
- One day she lied and said she was going somewhere but was actually studying with the guy. While studying the guy kisses her and Beau sees and they argue
- They get into bigger agreement back at the apartment, he storms off but because of her heart disease she got super weak, faints and then ends up in hospital
- Beau finds out and goes to hospital to find her
- When at the hospital she tells him that she want to go home, not there home in the UK, she wants to go back home to America.
This is basically as much as I can remember please PLEASE if anyone knows where I can find this book please let me know.