
Yo guys, I swear, I'm not dead.


Hi there! I write fiction books specifically romance and having pinches of other genres! I also write one shots of random ideas that my mind would come up. I’m currently working on a novel entitled ‘Philocalist’ and it is written in taglish. If you have time visit my account and read the novel. Leave a vote or comment if you got yourself hooked! Thank you :>


Yo guys, I swear, I'm not dead.


Hey? *cough* is this thing working?
          Anyways, just wanted to confirm that yes, I DID delete my channel, "hetaCherry." Reasons are personal. But, thanks so much to everyone who's ever been a part of it <3 you all hold a special place in my little heart! Handling that channel produced lots of fun times, but... everything has to end at some point, don't they? I believe this channel has reached its end.
          One last time, goodbye from your loli content provider (that I don't always own)... hetaCherry.
          Oh, but if you guys DO want a chat with me... I'm always free! You can message me on this account (replies will be slow since I don't always check), but I'll try as best as I can to reply.
          P.S. Hetalia is still cool, continue on the Hetalian life.


Aw man. That’s a shame. It was fun thoughh


@kappachon yes, I do. You can find me on FB, Amino, instagram (tho I don't post much), and twitter


@heta_cherry do you have any other socials i can find you on?? :O


@cherrypiebeb Ah, it's alright to ask! Anyways, yes, I am that person. I deleted my channel because of personal reasons I can't tell (though if you ask, I'll message you about it), and I know I let a lot of people down. I actually regret doing so, and am sorry for that. :( nah, you're not a bother! I appreciate people who check on me OwO


Hi! Im kawaii potato! Im a really huge fan of your works on the internet and even here in wattpad! I was not expecting to see you here! Oh by the way I already subscribe to you in youtube And...Im really sorry for my bad grammar if I really did mess up Thank you for your time reading this trash!


@NoellethePotato120 Every single piece of literature isn't trash (unless it's mine :") bc I'm trash) and thanks so much!! :3