Hey? *cough* is this thing working?
Anyways, just wanted to confirm that yes, I DID delete my channel, "hetaCherry." Reasons are personal. But, thanks so much to everyone who's ever been a part of it <3 you all hold a special place in my little heart! Handling that channel produced lots of fun times, but... everything has to end at some point, don't they? I believe this channel has reached its end.
One last time, goodbye from your loli content provider (that I don't always own)... hetaCherry.
Oh, but if you guys DO want a chat with me... I'm always free! You can message me on this account (replies will be slow since I don't always check), but I'll try as best as I can to reply.
P.S. Hetalia is still cool, continue on the Hetalian life.