
Even in a global and 10 month long pandemic I still haven't done anything with any of my series.


Opinion needed: start re working and fixing The Angels of Carrigan Castle to go out to publishers, or rework The Coven to go out to publishers? Also are these even publish worthy?? (Seriously teens looking at you in this post Twilight world)


@RnJensen Thanks! Super helpful! I ended up starting there anyway and have re done a grand total of (gasp) two chapters! Go me!


@hexezz Both books are amazing. Do whatever you feel like doing. But I think you should rework The Coven to go out to publishers. You have gone so far with this one. And yes both are definetly worth of publishing.


@Sarah_Mona well thank you!! I always like hearing that from readers!! You should check out the Angels of Carrigan Castle too (because why not shamelessly promote my own work ;) ) 


You're quite welcome. :) I will probably read it when I finish reading all the other books I've got lined up. Though I might just give it an inside glimpse beforehand.


Yeah sorry guys I wasn't meaning to make this a long drawn out end to the series I am just a little stuck. I am trying again right now. Hopefully something comes out of it, even a short chapter would be nice!


Hi I want to read the final eclipse but can only get it on my mac and not on the iPad i removed coven and uploaded it again. That did not help it end after solstice any thoughts ...


Umm no lol. No idea why it wasn't working. Is it working now? Maybe it was a bug somewhere in the Wattpad system.