
hey everyone :)) i’m still on tyrants tomb (toa), i’ve been focusing on erha (husky and his white cat shizun) lately. i’m on book 3 page 225 and i’m absolutely loving it so far. i do plan on finishing toa this year though !!
          	i’ve been rewatching supernatural (on season 4). i rewatch it almost every month :’)). anime/donghua(?) wise i’ve been waiting to watch grandmaster of demonic cultivation, i’m waiting until i finish the first book at least-


hey everyone :)) i’m still on tyrants tomb (toa), i’ve been focusing on erha (husky and his white cat shizun) lately. i’m on book 3 page 225 and i’m absolutely loving it so far. i do plan on finishing toa this year though !!
          i’ve been rewatching supernatural (on season 4). i rewatch it almost every month :’)). anime/donghua(?) wise i’ve been waiting to watch grandmaster of demonic cultivation, i’m waiting until i finish the first book at least-


hello, i’m still reading percy jackson but now it’s trials of apollo, i’m on the 4th book (the tyrants tomb) and i think i’m on chapter 7 or 8. i’ve also been reading the song of achilles and i’m on chapter 17 i believe
          my favorite characters are still nico, will, leo, and tyson but apollo is a newer addition to that list, i just find him so funny but also pretty depressing. which looking at my favorite characters that tracks-
          shows i’ve been watching is arcane (which i finished and i absolutely loved it), blood of zeus which i’m on episode 4 season 1, and i’m gonna be starting skins at some point (one of the foster kids recommended it to me so i’m giving it a try)
          and that’s about all that i’ve been doing-


hello !!  a few things has happened since i last posted here. i turned 21, moved to a different house, got a tattoo, and went on a vacation with a few family members
          i’ve also been reading percy jackson, i’m currently on blood of olympus (page 200) and i’m absolutely loving it !! my favorite characters are nico, will, leo, and tyson :))
          i’ve started on “i’m in love with the villainess” and i’m loving it so far !! :))


fyi if anyone wants to be friends (preferably over 17) then i’m completely open to it. i have X (or twitter) and instagram. i can’t ever see messages on here so if you wanna be friends it’s better to text me on one of the ones i mentioned :))
          i also have tiktok though i don’t ever post but i’ll probably see messages on there too !!
          instagram: zackenjoyer
          X (twitter): wumingenjoyer
          tiktok: hexuanenjoyer


update on scara, he’s level 90 with pretty decent artifacts, and his talents are 9/8/8. i do plan on triple crowing him 
          different update, my mom found my stepdads old cassette player with some tapes and he gave it to me so i’ve just been listening to it for a couple days now-


hi so my friend ended up getting me scara for christmas and i’m still so happy. luckily i was at like 60 pity when she started spending so hopefully it wasn’t too much, all i know is that he came at like 80 pity so-
          but he’s level 60 currently (i hate the plants he needs-), and he does have a 4 piece set of his artifacts. some need work/replacing but it’s okay for now 


i lost 50/50 to a c1 jean at like 45-46 pity and i’m so upset. i got yae miko on her banner early as well so i was hoping i would get the same luck on scara’s banner but no.
          usually i wouldn’t mind losing a 50/50 but scara is my favorite character (after xiao and kazuha) and the last couple weeks has been awful so losing only made me even more sad
          there’s still 16 days left (i think) so i could still possibly get him if i get him early or someone funds my pulls but i’m not hopeful in the slightest