hey ! I saw your comment on brokenangels message board abt your writing
just wanted to hope all was well N hopefully letchu know some things that might be of reassurance
easier said than done but -- don't feel bad -- I understand that feeling -- I feel like the half of us writers have been there
you have your own style that a lot of people will enjoy -- some will literally look at your writing and thing the *exact* same thing !
the important thing is that you enjoy it, cause it's hard to do your best if your not getting into it -- writing is supposed to be free and feel free -- kinda like a diary yk -- perhaps it could help to think about it like that
and if you feel like that's what your doing, then don't look at what others version of what that looks like -- it's coming from you and it's yours -- especially when it comes to the more professional books in which they typically have a bunch of people that helped to work to put out a book (which ofc doesn't diminish the work or anything but it's a good thing to note)
and, also *really* keep in mind that it took people many places to get to that place -- and it will for you too for as long as you continue to let yourself -- writing is a skill and it will take time -- and you don't need to feel bad when we all started that way I can assure you ! and mind you, your writing isn't like it was when younger -- you will see progress the more you go on, and how styles can change as well and be a dif vibe
you will get to that place if your truly passionate -- you just have to know what it is your really looking for and really go with that vibe -- maybe getting inspo from things irl -- people and yourself -- really searchin' for that inside your heart and trying to put yourself in all these different shoes and paint yourself in every different scenario -- writing things down too
make sure your ready to keep your work up as well -- because there'll always be that one rude person to everyone N don't let it discourage you