
Hehe, I was bored and decided to upload one of my old books. People won't read it but it's cute



Could use a little more revising and it could be longer too but it’s has potential!


After a few days/ weeks of deliberating with myself obviously, I’ve come to the conclusion of changing the entire story line of trouble next door. One day, I’ll actually do the honors of publishing the version I’ll be satisfied with. 
          For obvious reasons, I need to change the plot (it’s too cliche) thanks y’all 


          I am a fellow Wattpad writer. I'm currently working on a one-shot/short-story collection type of book. I would be delighted if you spare some of your precious time for my book. It would mean a lot to me.
          Have a nice day ahead. 
          ~ Radia Amaya 


Okay. I’ll love to read it


I hate the awkward stage after someone confesses their feelings to you and it’s one sided


He said some stupid thing next. Thank God we are back to normal and the awkward stage has passed


            I can feel for both of ya'll sob
            I can only imagine
            I hope it doesn't change anything N you got to reassure them
            I can give you some advice to use if you're unsure !
            hope for the best for ya'll


hey ! I saw your comment on brokenangels message board abt your writing
          just wanted to hope all was well N hopefully letchu know some things that might be of reassurance
          easier said than done but -- don't feel bad -- I understand that feeling -- I feel like the half of us writers have been there
          you have your own style that a lot of people will enjoy -- some will literally look at your writing and thing the *exact* same thing ! 
          the important thing is that you enjoy it, cause it's hard to do your best if your not getting into it -- writing is supposed to be free and feel free -- kinda like a diary yk -- perhaps it could help to think about it like that
          and if you feel like that's what your doing, then don't look at what others version of what that looks like --  it's coming from you and it's yours -- especially when it comes to the more professional books in which they typically have a bunch of people that helped to work to put out a book (which ofc doesn't diminish the work or anything but it's a good thing to note)
          and, also *really* keep in mind that it took people many places to get to that place -- and it will for you too for as long as you continue to let yourself -- writing is a skill and it will take time -- and you don't need to feel bad when we all started that way I can assure you ! and mind you, your writing isn't like it was when younger -- you will see progress the more you go on, and how styles can change as well and be a dif vibe
          you will get to that place if your truly passionate -- you just have to know what it is your really looking for and really go with that vibe -- maybe getting inspo from things irl -- people and yourself -- really searchin' for that inside your heart and trying to put yourself in all these different shoes and paint yourself in every different scenario -- writing things down too
          make sure your ready to keep your work up as well -- because there'll always be that one rude person to everyone N don't let it discourage you


            LOL ofcc


@Sweetghouls oh thanks. I didn’t even put much into my profile picture and background
            Thanks ❤️❤️ *virtual kisses and hugs incoming*


            oh ! like, your background and your profile picture
            you made a theme N it's nothing really specific (unless you were going for something specific ofc) it's just a theme you made I guess ? lol
            some people would also *really* get into a role and decorate their bio and their book covers lol
            that also counts too
            but I was talking about your profile picture and background compared


I should really delete trouble next door right?




Okay, thank you 


            I would say keep it up ! there's always someone who'll enjoy it -- maybe add on your bio that your progressing as a writer and let them know it's one of your older books ᵔ ᴥ ᵔ it's still something you made and it sucks to let it go -- especially as it's really is good progress -- especially also the fact you were able to do more than one chap -- that's a hard thing writers b struggling with
            and maybe you can work on it some other time and re-upgrade it
            however, if you feel it's best, then def go for it -- *but* if you do, I recommend at least yk keeping it to the side, perhaps on a google document -- to see your progress the more you go on
            (also I rec keeping writing on a google document anyway cause WP b glitchy as heck and it's really easy to randomly loose your writing more on here)