
i dont think a song has given me that much whiplash in the first twenty seconds . ever.
Reading Lists
Woohoo finally a new chapter on my book sorry it took so long!
i dont think a song has given me that much whiplash in the first twenty seconds . ever.
honest to god lmao. you think youre too good for that shit and then you realise that no. no youre not. now youre screwed.
@fish_gills it's like in games where they give you free power ups and then for some unholy reason you just go you know what I'm not gonna use them and then you die
i shall slither in and politely tell you now that you should update plz
@fish_gills I've done the title I'll get round to actually writing it at some point happy?
@heycookie62 i've barely started my french lmao. i've literally written 'i have never listened to jazz' and that's it. but we'll both get there. at some point. and gOOD. try.
@fish_gills a) it's not hyperlinked and I can't copy it b) I'll try at some point before the holidays ends I've barely started my Italian
how many para.s for q3
@heycookie62 okie dokes mdude!! and I only have 7a and 7b left so I'm ffkinnnnn happy
@heycookie62 man, gotta love those good ol' asterisk actions lmaooo on a more serious note, i genuinely think that i am slowly moving onto obsessing over the wii shop channel's music and moodle is broken so i cant do my history hw *^_^*
i have still not prepared for my english speaking i don't want to i may or may not be standing up there tomorrow due to the 'blessing' of bad luck and rambling on about how dhmis links to the media, about the creation of the itv and about how the media is a monopoly suited to those who want profit rather than creativity
save my soul. i'm so much of a wuss that i can't send the email lmao. also, now i'm overthinking things and my brain's going 'oh wait what if someone else did their presentation about dhmis????' and the other half's getting pissed off because 'why the hell dude. why would anybody do that to themselves'. man, if only i could program a two minute timer that would send the email automatically so that i wouldn't be forced to physically press the button after several minutes of slowly dying inside lmao. i probably could. but will i? nah. have a good day mofo
@heycookie62 yeah, no, wattpad's having a bit of a seizure lmao and horror story? WHERE. define horror, Wilde, and fucking Poe's gonna start turning in his grave
@fish_gills yup same also 3 chapters into the picture of Dorian Grey and all i can say is horror story my ass more like romance novel
also ALSO ALSO YOUR STORY IS LIT like hella lit mdude i may not have voted on every chap. (bc i have no internet on the bus, funnily enough lmao) but LIT LIT LIT LIT anyway, have a nice night.
@fish_gills noight I got another chapter up too lazy to check for errors so point them out if you see them when you have time will ya tahnks
@heycookie62 oh yeah need to do this don't i. well, hope you read both of my replies lmao. gnight
yoyoyoyoyYO hi. this thing has a character limit. i never knew because i never used it =] regardless, i know it's late and all but. rain's cool. and i sort of kind of want to change the subject of my english presentation and i have no idea on how to word it, let alone email the teacher and go 'hey i want to go on a ten-minute rant about dhmis'. but you know, more formally. i hope you've been doing well over the first like, third of the half term. i hope your dog is being a lit boy. i also genuinely hope that you've worked on that english presentation mdude. else we're both kinda. dead.
man, i think just thinking about it for five seconds counts lmao. that's all i've done. and honestly? short and simple sounds great. thanks, dude- although i am not about to email her at nearly 10 o'clock. my holiday? i've been watching criminal minds and sleeping in till midday. pretty lit, and it's been keeping me going in a pretty good fashion; i'm feeling good as well, in other words.
@fish_gills first of all does going over your presentation in your head and thousand times but not actually physically writing anything count??? And b my experience with emailing teachers leads me to believe that keeping it short and concise is the best way forward sort of along the lines of Dear Mrs winn, I have decided to change my presentation to... I hope this okay From *insert name here* I hope your holiday has been okay too how are you feeling??
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