
Hi everyone, if you're still with me you'll notice MPATMS now has one published chapter. That is because I am rewriting! Parts will be re-published as I finish editing them. Thank you for your understanding.
          	Lots o' love,


Hi everyone, if you're still with me you'll notice MPATMS now has one published chapter. That is because I am rewriting! Parts will be re-published as I finish editing them. Thank you for your understanding.
          Lots o' love,


U know what u need? U need a helmet to protect that literary genius of a brain that u have cuz yr book 'Mango passion and the male species' is one of the very best no wait not best, one of the most perfect books I've ever read. I simply love it, love it, love it. I love it and I love u (totally in a non creepy way of course). 


@AmyRose041 I just saw this for the first time and it MADE MY DAY. You are amazing, thank you.


Hi babes,
          I sort of fell of the grid. Sorry about that. To anyone else out there in the midst of applying to college- you understand. These are the most chaotic months of my life! Plus, I'm in a play, so that sort of adds to it.  I haven't written in forever and I'm missing it like crazy, but I hope to back soon. So amazing to still see all the love for MPATMS rolling in. Stay fabulous, my loves. 
          Mangos, why let me adult, and all my love,
          ~ Abby


MPATMS is honestly so amazing, one of the best books on wattpad!  How it doesn't have a billion reads is beyond me.  I've learned so many important and true things while reading your book.  I also love the quotes if you wrote a book with a bunch of quotes I'd read it bc they are that good.  I really hope the rest of wattpad catches on and enjoys your work like I have. :) 


@BewareOfThorns i completly agree! 


this message may be offensive
That just made my day more than anything. Thank you so much love. I've got a shit eating grin on my face right now. I literally love you thank you. 


Hi guys, you might all hate me for this, and I'm really sorry if you do, but I'm putting Sandcastle on hold for now. This is because I've been really struggling to write it and it isn't coming naturally, which makes me feel like I'm doing the story of characters justice. I don't want to write a mpatms sequel unless it can live up to the first, and right now, it isn't doing that. 
          In better news, though, I'm still editing mpatms and it's coming along super well, so that's fun! And hopefully, I'll get inspiration for a new story soon and be able to deliver a whole new fun novel!! It might continue with my theme of beaches and summer because I love writing about summer adventures, so I'll keep you guys updated on that. I love you all, and I hope you don't hate me for this. 


Hi my loves! So MPATMS is at #94 in teen fiction, which is higher than it has EVER been. Thank you so so so much, that makes my heart explode with happiness (well, not literally, because then death, but you get my drift). Thank you thank you thank you, I love you all. Keep reading and commenting, let's see how high we can get that sucker ;)
          Much love,