
My trip to California Adventure and Disneyland was a success despite my annoying cold.


Hey, how have you been?


@Squadron322 thread bump in case you didn't see my reply and were curious about my answer to your question


@Squadron322 Uh, I've been okay, generally. 
            I've also spent the last couple of weeks getting some pre-spring cleaning done so that's why I'm replying now, I just logged in after a while.


          Let's just leave it at that.
          For any of my followers who don't live in America (the United States), how's your country's health coverage?
          Is it relatively straight-forward?
          Context: I'm planning on scheduling my own dental appointment within the next month for the first time (I'm 33 -_-). I haven't actually called them yet, I just want to make sure the exam and cleaning will be paid for by my insurance so I'm looking everywhere else first, lol. I used the office I'm planning to call a little over a year ago after I fell face-down in the kitchen (long story, go to Instagram) and I really like that I can walk to them from my house so fingers crossed.
          Of course, I could always call them and ask if they still take my insurance, but social anxiety and all that.
          (Note: my linktree includes practically every way to chat with me outside of Wattpad including a new Discord Server that I just made. For some reason I get a lot of private messages on FictionPress, but most of it is just bots, unfortunately.)


No relationship, romantic or platonic, will ever work without communication first.
          When you ignore someone and leave important truths left unsaid, don't be surprised when they've assumed the worst about your feelings toward them.
          Ghosting someone tells them everything that they need to know about you.
          It tells them that you simply don't care.


I made two Discord Servers to chat with people if anyone's interested.
          I made the first one a while ago and never used it but I never closed it either so I figured it might still be useful.
          The second one was made a few hours ago, lol.
          Writing Group 1: https://discord.gg/MPQwj8EY
          Joanne's Chat Room #1: https://discord.gg/vr5zVqhQ
          I also have the email in my linktree for messages, as well as Instagram, Tumblr, Wordpress, etc. I just want to make it clear that there are ways to communicate with me, albeit through writing, but still.


If I tagged you, sorry, I'm just checking to see if notifications like this work for any of my followers. I know I don't have a lot, but I still want to know.
            So if anyone could let me know whether or not notifications from me show up in their inbox, that would be great. Thank you in advance.


Also, ignore the #1 being included with the hyperlink. 
            At least it still works.


Yes, I posted this twice. I thought I switched the links but it was just the app loading slowly.


(I'll delete this at some point don't worry.)
          I had a scary dream last night which has now made me aware of my own mortality. Not that I was unaware of it before, but now I'm thinking about it. Which is great, since I'm flying to the state with Seattle today, so thank you to my brain for that. It's just what I needed.
          Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a good day today. And as morbid as it is to say, remember that you too are also mortal. So even though it's hard, it's best to tell or show people you care about them.
          Just ask yourself if you can live the rest of your life not saying anything. And if so, do you think you'll ever regret it?
          We can lie for a while, but sometimes the universe will force the truth out.