
@horanhugsxo haha your welcome and of course I replied I get really excited when I see people are actually interested in what im writing


@horanhugsxo your welcome and aww thanks so much and I have a lot of editing apps but these are the ones I use the most: photon-for adding words, photowizard-for lots of different editing tools, iblend free- for blending pics, papelook- for making collages, line brush-drawing on the pic, line camera-also for drawing on pics, and color effects- you can like making certain parts of your pic colors and leave the rest gray or vice versa. 


Thanks 4 the follow! :3 I was wondering if maybe.... Will you read my Fan Fic? Also I'm starting a new book and I want my followers in it so can I ask your name. Also I would love 2 knw if you would be my Co. writer 4 my secong book?