
I really want to cry right now, but I can’t! I’m so stressed out. I have two presentations this week, and public speaking is just not my thing. One’s in Spanish, and it has to be 5 minutes long; I’m so screwed. I can’t speak Spanish and memorizing a 5 minute presentation is challenging for me. Then I have a presentation for English that needs to be at least 10 minutes long, yet my group refuses to cooperate. And on top of that I have my SAT this Saturday as well!!! The marker that let’s me know if I’m going to get into a good college or not, all depends on this test and the ones that follows right after (ACT, AP, and finals)! My make it or break it point is close and is approaching so quickly. Everything is just happening so fast! 
          	But when I’m on the verge of breaking down or telling someone about my problems, I can’t. I realize that I can’t, nor do I feel like I have the right to complain about this. Everyone I know is dealing with this as well, so why do get the luxury to complain. 
          	However, I hate this feeling so much. The feeling of wanting to cry, the feeling of wanting to shout, the feeling of wanting to punch a wall, the feeling of wanting to break down, and the feeling of wanting to confine in someone, but I can’t.
          	I’m sorry for posting this and wasting whoever is reading this’s time. It’s just I needed to rant, but I don’t have anyone that I can to. 
          	I can’t promise to update any time soon. I knew that junior year was going to be hard and stressful, but this is worst than I thought it would be. First semester was pretty easy, but second semester is hitting me like a freight train. 


@tfboysfanny *anytime. ^^ We're here for you.


@heyitsnicky21  i'm glad to hear that.
          	  Ooh..I understand. Even at my school it's so hard and difficult for students. It's make students too stress. Yup my sis said, senior year is so challenging. However,You still have people who will always support you. That's good. Don't push yourself too much. We're here to support you :).
          	  Yes. Don't push yourself. Try breath in and out when you feel that. Or... Sing a song. (I don't know if it can calm them but you can give a try). 
          	  No problem @heyitsnicky21 if you want to share anything. Can share with me any


@tfboysfanny  You’re too kind. In just a few sentences you said a lot of the things that I wanted to hear (read). 
          	  It’s my last two years of high school. I have to push myself. Junior years stresses academics, and it’s the year that colleges focuses on the most. Senior year is going to be stressful mentally trying to figure out what to do with the next chapter of my life. But I hear you, I’ll try not to push myself too much.
          	  I hope I don’t get panic attacks either, although that thought has never crossed my mind. I need to stop myself from spiraling and try to just calmly approach obstacles before I start experiencing panic attack and anxiety. 
          	  Thank you for understanding, tfboysfanny.


I really want to cry right now, but I can’t! I’m so stressed out. I have two presentations this week, and public speaking is just not my thing. One’s in Spanish, and it has to be 5 minutes long; I’m so screwed. I can’t speak Spanish and memorizing a 5 minute presentation is challenging for me. Then I have a presentation for English that needs to be at least 10 minutes long, yet my group refuses to cooperate. And on top of that I have my SAT this Saturday as well!!! The marker that let’s me know if I’m going to get into a good college or not, all depends on this test and the ones that follows right after (ACT, AP, and finals)! My make it or break it point is close and is approaching so quickly. Everything is just happening so fast! 
          But when I’m on the verge of breaking down or telling someone about my problems, I can’t. I realize that I can’t, nor do I feel like I have the right to complain about this. Everyone I know is dealing with this as well, so why do get the luxury to complain. 
          However, I hate this feeling so much. The feeling of wanting to cry, the feeling of wanting to shout, the feeling of wanting to punch a wall, the feeling of wanting to break down, and the feeling of wanting to confine in someone, but I can’t.
          I’m sorry for posting this and wasting whoever is reading this’s time. It’s just I needed to rant, but I don’t have anyone that I can to. 
          I can’t promise to update any time soon. I knew that junior year was going to be hard and stressful, but this is worst than I thought it would be. First semester was pretty easy, but second semester is hitting me like a freight train. 


@tfboysfanny *anytime. ^^ We're here for you.


@heyitsnicky21  i'm glad to hear that.
            Ooh..I understand. Even at my school it's so hard and difficult for students. It's make students too stress. Yup my sis said, senior year is so challenging. However,You still have people who will always support you. That's good. Don't push yourself too much. We're here to support you :).
            Yes. Don't push yourself. Try breath in and out when you feel that. Or... Sing a song. (I don't know if it can calm them but you can give a try). 
            No problem @heyitsnicky21 if you want to share anything. Can share with me any


@tfboysfanny  You’re too kind. In just a few sentences you said a lot of the things that I wanted to hear (read). 
            It’s my last two years of high school. I have to push myself. Junior years stresses academics, and it’s the year that colleges focuses on the most. Senior year is going to be stressful mentally trying to figure out what to do with the next chapter of my life. But I hear you, I’ll try not to push myself too much.
            I hope I don’t get panic attacks either, although that thought has never crossed my mind. I need to stop myself from spiraling and try to just calmly approach obstacles before I start experiencing panic attack and anxiety. 
            Thank you for understanding, tfboysfanny.


Okay so maybe I’m experiencing writers block or maybe it’s the fact that I can’t stop myself from procrastinating, but I seriously am never in the mood to write anymore... it doesn’t mean that I won’t write anymore though. If anything it just means that each story will  probably take about a month or so to update.  I feel like it would be better for me to address this now, than to have my readers waiting for months later on.
          In addition with not wanting to update, I also don’t know which story to update as well. If you’ve been following me and my stories, you would know that I have 4: Not So Secretly Loving You, Forbidden, Sleep Paralysis, and Unattainable, Unapproachable, Unavailable. If you see this post, would you be so kindly to state which story you want me to update and in which order you’d prefer from 1-4.
          For example:
          1.) Not So Secretly Loving You
          2.) Forbidden
          3.) Sleep Paralysis
          4.) Unattainable, Unapproachable, Unavailable 
          Thank you, have a nice day/night. 


@heyitsnicky21 I've read them, so now my order is
            1.Not So Secretly Loving You
            3.Sleep Paralysis
            4.Unattainable, Unapproachable, Unavailable


@Thominho19 Hello good day to you too! 
            I’ve never really thought of it like that, maybe I’ll give it a try. 
            I might as well start with Sleep Paralysis, since it is only a one-shot. 


@AAABBB362 Hi! I’m glad you enjoy reading Not So Secretly Loving You, and I hope my future updates won’t disappoint. Also just a heads up, if you were to start my other stories, only Forbidden has made it passed the prologue 


Cerita 1 berjudul * Obsessed With Heart * ↪
          " Aku sangat mencintaimu, aku tulus mencintaimu.. aku ingin memilikimu seutuhnya.. aku rela mengorbankan apapun itu termasuk jiwaku hanya untukmu seorang.. Tapi apa semua perbuatanku itu akan kau perdulikan? Aku rasa nggak.. karna dalam hatimu nggak ada namaku, melainkan nama Dia.." ↩
             Cerita 2 berjudul * Memory *   ↪                       " Kemana kamu pergi? Kenapa disaat aku bisa melihat, dirimu tidak ada? Apa yang sudah terjadi? Apa perkataan mereka itu benar? JAWAB AKU!! Itu benar atau tidak?!! Tolong jangan menghilang seperti ini!! Aku ingin melihat wajahmu, walau itu untuk terakhir kalinya.. " ↩
            ~  Mari, mari,.. bagi semua orang yang suka membaca.. sini,sini mampir dulu.. ada dua cerita yang seru banget loh.. 
              Kalo mau tahu lanjutan cerita yang diatas tuh⬆⬆, kuy jangan segan-segan mampir ke akunku yaitu = Imelanikatarina0703 / i<.sln (imel).
             Gratis kok bacanya cuma yang kuminta itu kebaikanmu untuk follow+baca+vote+coment..  ..
             Gak nyesal kok bacanya ^^, karna ceritaku ini nggak membosankan melainkan misterius yang bakal buat kalian penasaran terus-menerus.. eits itu hanya sementara kok, karna kalian bakal tahu semua misteri itu di akhir cerita,.. heheheh
             Bagi yang belum sempat baca bisa di simpan ke daftar bacanya kok, tapi jangan sampai lupa bacanya, karna nyesal loh kalo ketinggalan episodenya ^^
             Ini cerita berasal dari imajinasi sendiri, jadi tolong jauh-jauh dari kata "COPAS! atau "PLAGIAT!" atau sejenisnya lah..
             ( Oh ya aku hampir lupa, bagi yang sudah follow akunku, yuk mampir baca cerita yang kedua... sedangkan yang belum follow, kuy cepat-cepat follow, langsung difolback kok, tenang saja ^^, dan bagi yang mau feedback? Ask saja ya, nanti langsung direspon kok^^ )