@lovedeverysecond Thank you for taking the time to read Setting John Free. I've updated again. It may not be what you were expecting, but I promise I won't disappoint.
My gosh my gosh my gosh. Your book came as a recommended one and i had nothing tp read on wattpad and i was like let me pass time this book has a healthy number of chapters and what not and i thought it wouldnt be good. By all means it is not good. It is absolutely breath taking. So hauntimg and so beautifully written. And gosh it should be illegal for anything to be this illegal. So damn illegal. I have slacked off on five college essays for this bless my 18 year old heart. I feel like it shall implode om itself due to your words.
So you must imagine the disappointment when i read the last letter writtem here. I almost goddamn cried that there was no more. Geez there is no more. Gosh please update. I beg of you update
@TamandaCarmenK99 Thankyou so much for your words. I am speechless. I honestly appreciate it very much. I am so sorry that I disappointed. I have updated again. Perhaps read the foreword first; I apologize, it may not be what you are expecting but I promise to attempt to do your words justice, and bring you something truly spectacular. Hopefully you'll be procrastinating many more essays with me in the future. Thank you for taking the time to reach out.
Hey, danielle. I hope you're well this year. I am sorry for my silence these days, I've been saving all those savoury ends and beginnings of novels for a day where I have an open mind to eat it all. Goodnight or good morning, love.
Hello, you. Wattpad isn't sending my comment this moment, so I apologise if I erupt your notifications later with replicates of the same comment. Hope you're having a lovely day.