Hi everyone,
I know I've taken a huge hiatus from Wattpad so much so that I find it hard to even connect to what I had previously written. A lot of my old content I'm going to make private as I don't think it's strong work. It was work written by a teen who didn't know much about the world and played to stupid, sometimes harmful stereotypes and cliches. Even still, I don't know a lot and there is always something to learn.
Any updates I do will be sporadic. I have a lot going on what with studies, my jobs, etc. However I'd like to get back to writing. I stopped writing for a long time which harmed my abilities. For some reason it was difficult to find the motivation. However as I enter the final semester of my college experience, I'm feeling more motivated than ever. There are so many talented and passionate people out there that it makes you want to unleash the talent and passion you yourself possess. Why not? You only live once and you never know when a day will be your last. In the famous words of Monsta X, "It's now or never."
Anyway... I uploaded some poetry that I've been working on. I've actually sent it to literary journals, so we'll see if they accept or decline my work but I wanted to share it here as well! Take a read and let me know your thoughts <3
A Boy Once Told Me
3 AM is...