so first of all, in honor choir, we arent allowed to be using our phones because we need to keep the straight posture and focus on our music and stuff, and its rude bc its still a lesson/class we are in. so there were girls at honor choir today who were taking snapchats of random people, circling their faces and sending them to god knows who (IN THE MIDDLE OF SINGING) so after the song was over i went over to them and was like, "EXcusE mE BuT YOu SHouLDnT BE oN YOur phONe, TakiNG PIctUReS Of PEoPLe, ESpeciALLy DUriNG A SonG. ItS EXtremMELY rUDE AnD DIstraCTInG SO PleASE StoP THaNKs" and they just stared at me and snickered about me the rest of the day but the good thing is they put their phones away and it felt so good to tell them to stop because im usually the person who would watch and be too afraid to say anything but i was just so angry that i went off